Examples -------- Check out the `flickr gallery `_. .. .. flickr:: .. :flickrID: 109615 Want your image or example included? `E-mail us `_. .. Radio ----- * :doc:`example_h2co` * :doc:`example_nh3` * :doc:`example_hcop` Near IR ------- * :doc:`example_NIR_cube` Optical ------- * :doc:`example_sdss` UV -- * :doc:`fit_custom_model` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 Build a spectrum from scratch (and fit a gaussian) Build a spectrum from scratch (and fit the continuum) Minimal gaussian cube fitting Build a cube from scratch and fit many gaussians Radio H2CO Radio H2CO mm lines Radio NH3: shows hyperfine fitting with fixed amplitude, width Radio NH3 cube Radio NH3 - fit N hyperfines with no temperature Radio N2H+ Radio N2H+ cube Radio ortho-NH2D Radio para-NH2D Radio HCN: shows hyperfine with varying amplitude & width Radio HCO+ Near IR cube Optical SDSS Optical Vega Echelle Optical INTERACTIVE Optical Supernova (?) H-alpha multi-component voigt Optical MUSE Spectral Cube Template Fitting Monte Carlo Monte Carlo for NH3 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: CLASS Guide IRAF Guide Student Projects .. TO DO: - add pymc / emcee examples - add UV examples? - add ALMA / EVLA cube examples Additionally, here are some real-world examples. They are not guaranteed to work, but they show the use of pyspeckit in pipelines and paper-producing code. - `Fit each spectrum in a VLA NH3 6-6 cube (Goddi, Ginsburg, Zhang 2016) `__ - `Fit each spectrum in an Arecibo H2CO 1-1 cube (Ginsburg et al, 2015) `__ - `Crop an ALMA CH3CN cube, then fit each spectrum `__ - `Fit each spectrum in an APEX H2CO 3-2 cube with 1 and 2 components (Ginsburg et al, 2016) `__ - `Compute moments, then fit each spectrum in a MUSE cube (McCleod et al, 2015) `__ - `Fit H2 and BrG in a TripleSpec NIR cube (Youngblood et al, 2016) `__ - `Fit NH3 1-1 and 2-2 spectra for the GBT Ammonia Survey (Pineda, Friesen et al) `__