Frequently Asked Questions ========================== I see "UnitConversionError: 'km / s' (speed) and 'GHz' (frequency) are not convertible" errors when using the ammonia fitter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For versions of pyspeckit 0.16 (May 2015) and later, pyspeckit uses astropy's units for the spectroscopic axis. It therefore requires an ``equivalency`` to be defined. To create a ``SpectroscopicAxis`` with the appropriate equivalency defined, the axis must have a reference frequency (``refX``) and a ``velocity_convention``.:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis >>> import numpy as np >>> xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(22,24)*u.GHz, refX=23*u.GHz, velocity_convention='radio') If you have loaded a spectrum from file and it doesn't contain the appropriate metadata (usually a ``CTYPE`` in the header), you can set the ``refX`` and ``velocity_convention`` manually. The options for ``velocity_convention`` are ``radio``, ``optical``, and ``relativisitic``. For details on the meaning of the various velocity conventions, see `Frank Ghigo's site `_ or `FITS Paper III`_, especially `table 4 `_. For details on the accepted FITS ``CTYPE`` keywords, see `FITS Paper III`_. In particular, their `table 1 `_ speciefies all valid spectral coordinate type codes. .. _FITS Paper III: