Install pyspeckit via GitHub ============================ Quick ----- You can pip install the development version of pyspeckit:: pip install Installing a branch ------------------- If there's a bugfix branch, e.g., from a pull request, you can install it in a similar way. Just replace the branch name:: pip install{branchname}.zip Or, if the contribution is from a different user:: pip install{username}/pyspeckit/archive/{branchname}.zip Where in both cases you need to replace ``{{branchname}}`` and ``{username}``. More detailed ------------- If you want to help develop pyspeckit, follow these instructions: Logged into your github account, go to and click “Fork” in upper right. Copy the URL of your pyspeckit fork*yourusername*/pyspeckit On the command line type:: git clone (it will put it in a directory called pyspeckit in your working directory):: cd pyspeckit git remote add upstream To get the most up to date version, type:: git pull upstream master Update your personal "fork" to match ``upstream/master``:: git push origin master and enter your username and password if it asks. Still in the ``pyspeckit/`` directory, type:: python develop You're good to go! To make changes and generate a Pull request: -------------------------------------------- Create a new branch: ``git checkout -b name_of_your_new_branch`` This will automatically switch you to this new branch. Type ``git branch`` to see all the branches. The active one will be highlighted and have an asterisk next to it. To switch to an existing branch, type ``git checkout name_of_branch`` After you make a change inside your local fork on your machine, type ``git add changed_file`` where changed_file is the name of the file(s) you edited. Time to commit your change and add a little note about your change ``git commit -m details`` ``details`` should be a description of the changes you made, inside quotes Push the change to GitHub: ``git push origin name_of_branch`` where name_of_branch is the branch you’ve been active in during this process. If you want to contribute your changes to, create a “pull request”. In, navigate to your branch where you pushed you want to merge with and click "Pull request"