Models ====== See :doc:`parameters` for information on how to restrict/modify model parameters. .. module:: pyspeckit.spectrum.models The generic SpectralModel class is a wrapper for model functions. A model should take in an X-axis and some number of parameters. In order to declare a SpectralModel, you give SpectralModel the function name and the number of parameters it requires. The rest of the options are optional, though parnames & shortvarnames are strongly recommended. If you do not specify fitunits, your fitting code must deal with units internally. Here are some examples of how to make your own fitters:: hill5_fitter = model.SpectralModel(hill5_model, 5, parnames=['tau', 'v_lsr', 'v_infall', 'sigma', 'tpeak'], parlimited=[(True,False),(False,False),(True,False),(True,False), (True,False)], parlimits=[(0,0), (0,0), (0,0), (0,0), (0,0)], # specify the parameter names (TeX is OK) shortvarnames=("\\tau","v_{lsr}","v_{infall}","\\sigma","T_{peak}"), fitunits='Hz' ) gaussfitter = model.SpectralModel(gaussian, 3, parnames=['amplitude','shift','width'], parlimited=[(False,False),(False,False),(True,False)], parlimits=[(0,0), (0,0), (0,0)], shortvarnames=('A',r'\Delta x',r'\sigma')) Then you can `register `_ these fitters. Fitting ======= Once you have a model defined, you can fit it using the `pyspeckit.Spectrum.specfit` module. Documents on fitting have not been prepared yet, but you can learn most of the tricks by looking at the various fitting examples and the :doc:`parameters` documentation. .. TODO:: Implement the gaussian-hermite profile described here: ``_ Related Documents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Parameters Generic Models and Tools ------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Gaussian model lorentzian_model voigt_model LTE Molecule Model Hyperfine Line model modelgrid template_model Specific Models --------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Ammonia Temperature and Hyperfine model Formaldehyde model HCN model hill5infall_model n2hp_model hydrogen_model API Documentation for Models ---------------------------- We include the API documentation for the generic model and fitter wrappers here. .. automodule:: pyspeckit.spectrum.models.model :members: .. automodule:: pyspeckit.spectrum.models.fitter :members: