Source code for pyspeckit.cubes.cubes


From `agpy <>`_,
contains functions to perform various transformations on data cubes and their

from __future__ import print_function
from astropy.extern.six.moves import xrange
from numpy import sqrt,repeat,indices,newaxis,pi,cos,sin,array,mean,nansum
from math import acos,atan2,tan
import numpy
import numpy as np
import copy
import os
import as fits
import astropy.wcs as pywcs
import tempfile
import warnings
import astropy
from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import log
    from AG_fft_tools import smooth
    smoothOK = True
except ImportError:
    smoothOK = False
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
    scipyOK = True
except ImportError:
    scipyOK = False

from . import posang # agpy code
from ..parallel_map import parallel_map

dtor = pi/180.0

[docs]def blfunc_generator(x=None, polyorder=None, splineorder=None, sampling=1): """ Generate a function that will fit a baseline (polynomial or spline) to a data set. Either ``splineorder`` or ``polyorder`` must be set Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray or None The X-axis of the fitted array. Will be set to ``np.arange(len(data))`` if not specified polyorder : None or int The polynomial order. splineorder : None or int sampling : int The sampling rate to use for the data. Can set to higher numbers to effectively downsample the data before fitting """ def blfunc(args, x=x): yfit,yreal = args if hasattr(yfit,'mask'): mask = ~yfit.mask else: mask = np.isfinite(yfit) if x is None: x = np.arange(yfit.size, dtype=yfit.dtype) ngood = np.count_nonzero(mask) if polyorder is not None: if ngood < polyorder: return yreal else: endpoint = ngood - (ngood % sampling) y = np.mean([yfit[mask][ii:endpoint:sampling] for ii in range(sampling)], axis=0) polypars = np.polyfit(x[mask][sampling/2:endpoint:sampling], y, polyorder) return yreal-np.polyval(polypars, x).astype(yreal.dtype) elif splineorder is not None and scipyOK: if splineorder < 1 or splineorder > 4: raise ValueError("Spline order must be in {1,2,3,4}") elif ngood <= splineorder: return yreal else: log.debug("splinesampling: {0} " "splineorder: {1}".format(sampling, splineorder)) endpoint = ngood - (ngood % sampling) y = np.mean([yfit[mask][ii:endpoint:sampling] for ii in range(sampling)], axis=0) if len(y) <= splineorder: raise ValueError("Sampling is too sparse. Use finer sampling or " "decrease the spline order.") spl = UnivariateSpline(x[mask][sampling/2:endpoint:sampling], y, k=splineorder, s=0) return yreal-spl(x) else: raise ValueError("Must provide polyorder or splineorder") return blfunc
[docs]def baseline_cube(cube, polyorder=None, cubemask=None, splineorder=None, numcores=None, sampling=1): """ Given a cube, fit a polynomial to each spectrum Parameters ---------- cube: np.ndarray An ndarray with ndim = 3, and the first dimension is the spectral axis polyorder: int Order of the polynomial to fit and subtract cubemask: boolean ndarray Mask to apply to cube. Values that are True will be ignored when fitting. numcores : None or int Number of cores to use for parallelization. If None, will be set to the number of available cores. """ x = np.arange(cube.shape[0], dtype=cube.dtype) #polyfitfunc = lambda y: np.polyfit(x, y, polyorder) blfunc = blfunc_generator(x=x, splineorder=splineorder, polyorder=polyorder, sampling=sampling) reshaped_cube = cube.reshape(cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1]*cube.shape[2]).T if cubemask is None: log.debug("No mask defined.") fit_cube = reshaped_cube else: if cubemask.dtype != 'bool': raise TypeError("Cube mask *must* be a boolean array.") if cubemask.shape != cube.shape: raise ValueError("Mask shape does not match cube shape") log.debug("Masking cube with shape {0} " "with mask of shape {1}".format(cube.shape, cubemask.shape)) masked_cube = cube.copy() masked_cube[cubemask] = np.nan fit_cube = masked_cube.reshape(cube.shape[0], cube.shape[1]*cube.shape[2]).T baselined = np.array(parallel_map(blfunc, zip(fit_cube,reshaped_cube), numcores=numcores)) blcube = baselined.T.reshape(cube.shape) return blcube
[docs]def flatten_header(header,delete=False): """ Attempt to turn an N-dimensional fits header into a 2-dimensional header Turns all CRPIX[>2] etc. into new keywords with suffix 'A' header must be a fits.Header instance """ if not isinstance(header,fits.Header): raise Exception("flatten_header requires a fits.Header instance") newheader = header.copy() for key in newheader.keys(): try: if delete and int(key[-1]) >= 3 and key[:2] in ['CD','CR','CT','CU','NA']: newheader.pop(key) elif (int(key[-1]) >= 3 or int(key[2])>=3) and key[:2] in ['CD','CR','CT','CU','NA','PC']: newheader.rename_keyword(key,'A'+key,force=True) if delete and (int(key[4]) >= 3 or int(key[7]) >= 3) and key[:2]=='PC' and key in newheader: newheader.pop(key) except ValueError: # if key[-1] is not an int pass except IndexError: # if len(key) < 2 pass newheader['NAXIS'] = 2 if header.get('WCSAXES'): newheader['WCSAXES'] = 2 return newheader
[docs]def speccen_header(header, lon=None, lat=None, proj='TAN', system='celestial', spectral_axis=3, celestial_axes=[1,2]): """ Turn a cube header into a spectrum header, retaining RA/Dec vals where possible (speccen is like flatten; spec-ify would be better but, specify? nah) Assumes 3rd axis is velocity """ newheader = header.copy() new_spectral_axis = 1 newheader['CRVAL{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = header.get('CRVAL{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) newheader['CRPIX{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = header.get('CRPIX{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) if 'CD{0}_{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis) in header: newheader.rename_keyword('CD{0}_{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis), 'OLDCD{0}_{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)) elif 'CDELT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis) in header: newheader.rename_keyword('CDELT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis),'OLDCDEL{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)) if 'CD{0}_{0}'.format(spectral_axis) in header: newheader['CDELT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = header.get('CD{0}_{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) elif 'CDELT{0}'.format(spectral_axis) in header: newheader['CDELT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = header.get('CDELT{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) newheader['CTYPE{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = 'VRAD' if header.get('CUNIT{0}'.format(spectral_axis)): newheader['CUNIT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = header.get('CUNIT{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) else: print("Assuming CUNIT3 is km/s in speccen_header") newheader['CUNIT{0}'.format(new_spectral_axis)] = 'km/s' newheader['CRPIX2'] = 1 newheader['CRPIX{0}'.format(spectral_axis)] = 1 if system == 'celestial': c2 = 'RA---' c3 = 'DEC--' elif system == 'galactic': c2 = 'GLON-' c3 = 'GLAT-' elif system == 'PIXEL': c2 = 'PIX--' c3 = 'PIX--' newheader['CTYPE2'] = c2+proj newheader['CTYPE{0}'.format(spectral_axis)] = c3+proj if lon is not None: newheader['CRVAL2'] = lon if lat is not None: newheader['CRVAL{0}'.format(spectral_axis)] = lat if 'CD2_2' in header: newheader.rename_keyword('CD2_2','OLDCD2_2') if 'CD{0}_{0}'.format(spectral_axis) in header: newheader.rename_keyword('CD{0}_{0}'.format(spectral_axis), 'OLDCD{0}_{0}'.format(spectral_axis)) if 'CROTA2' in header: newheader.rename_keyword('CROTA2','OLDCROT2') return newheader
[docs]def extract_aperture(cube, ap, r_mask=False, wcs=None, coordsys='galactic', wunit='arcsec', debug=False, method='mean'): """ Extract an aperture from a data cube. E.g. to acquire a spectrum of an outflow that is extended. Cube should have shape [z,y,x], e.g. cube = fits.getdata('datacube.fits') Apertures are specified in PIXEL units with an origin of 0,0 (NOT the 1,1 fits standard!) unless wcs and coordsys are specified Parameters ---------- ap : list For a circular aperture, len(ap)=3: ap = [xcen,ycen,radius] For an elliptical aperture, len(ap)=5: ap = [xcen,ycen,height,width,PA] wcs : wcs a pywcs.WCS instance associated with the data cube coordsys : str the coordinate system the aperture is specified in. Options are 'celestial' and 'galactic'. Default is 'galactic' wunit : str units of width/height. default 'arcsec', options 'arcmin' and 'degree' method : str 'mean' or 'sum' (average over spectra, or sum them) or 'error' for sqrt(sum-of-squares / n) Other Parameters ---------------- r_mask : bool return mask in addition to spectrum (for error checking?) """ warnings.warn("SpectralCube can do what subimage_integ does much more easily!", DeprecationWarning) if wcs is not None and coordsys is not None: if debug: print("Converting aperture ",ap,) ap = aper_world2pix(ap,wcs,coordsys=coordsys,wunit=wunit) if debug: print(" to ",ap) if len(ap) == 3: sh = cube.shape yind,xind = indices(sh[1:3]) # recall that python indices are backwards dis = sqrt((xind-ap[0])**2+(yind-ap[1])**2) mask = dis < ap[2] elif len(ap) == 5: yinds,xinds = indices(cube.shape[1:3]) th = (ap[4])*dtor xindr = (xinds-ap[0])*cos(th) + (yinds-ap[1])*sin(th) yindr = (xinds-ap[0])*-sin(th) + (yinds-ap[1])*cos(th) ratio = max(ap[2:4])/min(ap[2:4]) mask = ((xindr*ratio)**2 + yindr**2)**0.5 < max(ap[2:4]) else: raise Exception("Wrong number of parameters. Need either 3 parameters " "for a circular aperture or 5 parameters for an " "elliptical aperture.") npixinmask = mask.sum() mask3d = repeat(mask[newaxis,:,:],cube.shape[0],axis=0) if method == 'mean': specsum = nansum(nansum((cube*mask3d),axis=2),axis=1) spec = specsum / npixinmask elif method == 'error': specsum = nansum(nansum((cube*mask3d)**2,axis=2),axis=1) spec = (specsum)**0.5 / npixinmask else: spec = nansum(nansum((cube*mask3d),axis=2),axis=1) if r_mask: return spec,mask else: return spec
[docs]def integ(file,vrange,xcen=None,xwidth=None,ycen=None,ywidth=None,**kwargs): """ wrapper of subimage_integ that defaults to using the full image """ if isinstance(file,fits.PrimaryHDU): header = file.header cube = elif isinstance(file,fits.HDUList): header = file[0].header cube = file[0].data else: file = header = file[0].header cube = file[0].data if None in [xcen,xwidth,ycen,ywidth]: xcen = header['NAXIS1'] / 2 xwidth = xcen + header['NAXIS1'] % 2 ycen = header['NAXIS2'] / 2 ywidth = ycen + header['NAXIS2'] % 2 return subimage_integ(cube,xcen,xwidth,ycen,ywidth,vrange,header=header,**kwargs)
[docs]def subimage_integ(cube, xcen, xwidth, ycen, ywidth, vrange, header=None, average=mean, dvmult=False, return_HDU=False, units="pixels", zunits=None): """ Returns a sub-image from a data cube integrated over the specified velocity range NOTE: With `spectral_cube <>`_, subcube features can be easily applied with the `.subcube` method, and integration is handled separately. Parameters ---------- cube : np.ndarray A 3-dimensional numpy array with dimensions (velocity, y, x) xcen,ycen : float The center in the X,Y-dimension. See `units` below for unit information xwidth,ywidth : float The width in the X,Y-dimension. See `units` below for unit information xwidth and ywidth are "radius" values, i.e. half the length that will be extracted vrange : (float,float) The velocity range to integrate over. See `zunits` below for unit information header : `` or None If specified, will allow the use of WCS units average : function The function to apply when 'integrating' over the subcube dvmult : bool If dvmult is set, multiply the average by DV (this is useful if you set average=sum and dvmul=True to get an integrated value, e.g. K km/s or Jy km/s) return_hdu : bool If specified, will return an HDU object, otherwise will return the array and header units : 'pixels' or 'wcs' If 'pixels', all units (xcen, ycen, xwidth, ywidth) will be in pixels. If 'wcs', the values will be converted from WCS units to pixel units using the WCS specified by the `header` zunits : 'pixels' or 'wcs' or None If None, will be set to be the same as `units` Returns ------- subim, hdu : tuple A tuple (integrated array, header) if ``return_hdu`` is ``False``, or an HDU if it is True """ if header: flathead = flatten_header(header.copy()) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header=flathead) if header.get('CD3_3'): CD3 = header.get('CD3_3') else: CD3 = header.get('CDELT3') if units=="pixels": xlo = int( max([xcen-xwidth,0]) ) ylo = int( max([ycen-ywidth,0]) ) xhi = int( min([xcen+xwidth,cube.shape[2]]) ) yhi = int( min([ycen+ywidth,cube.shape[1]]) ) elif units=="wcs" and header: newxcen,newycen = wcs.wcs_world2pix(xcen,ycen,0) try: newxwid,newywid = xwidth / abs([0,0]), ywidth / abs([1,1]) except AttributeError: newxwid,newywid = xwidth / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]), ywidth / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) xlo = int( max([newxcen-newxwid,0]) ) ylo = int( max([newycen-newywid,0]) ) xhi = int( min([newxcen+newxwid,cube.shape[2]]) ) yhi = int( min([newycen+newywid,cube.shape[1]]) ) else: print("Can only use wcs if you pass a header.") if zunits is None: zunits = units if zunits == 'pixels': zrange = vrange if zunits == 'wcs': zrange = ( array(vrange)-header.get('CRVAL3') ) / CD3 - 1 + header.get('CRPIX3') subim = average(cube[zrange[0]:zrange[1],ylo:yhi,xlo:xhi],axis=0) if dvmult and CD3: subim *= CD3 elif dvmult: print("Error: could not multiply by dv; CD3=",CD3) if header is None: return subim else: # Cannot set crval2 != 0 for Galactic coordinates: therefore, probably # wrong approach in general #crv1,crv2 = wcs.wcs_pix2world(xlo,ylo,0) #try: # flathead['CRVAL1'] = crv1[0] # flathead['CRVAL2'] = crv2[0] #except IndexError: # flathead['CRVAL1'] = crv1.item() # np 0-d arrays are not scalar # flathead['CRVAL2'] = crv2.item() # np 0-d arrays are not scalar # xlo, ylo have been forced to integers already above flathead['CRPIX1'] = flathead['CRPIX1'] - xlo flathead['CRPIX2'] = flathead['CRPIX2'] - ylo if return_HDU: return fits.PrimaryHDU(data=subim,header=flathead) else: return subim,flathead
[docs]def subcube(cube, xcen, xwidth, ycen, ywidth, header=None, dvmult=False, return_HDU=False, units="pixels", widthunits="pixels"): """ Crops a data cube All units assumed to be pixel units cube has dimensions (velocity, y, x) xwidth and ywidth are "radius" values, i.e. half the length that will be extracted if dvmult is set, multiple the average by DV (this is useful if you set average=sum and dvmul=True to get an integrated value) """ if header: newheader = header.copy() flathead = flatten_header(header.copy()) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header=flathead) if widthunits == "pixels": newxwid, newywid = xwidth, ywidth elif widthunits == "wcs": try: newxwid,newywid = xwidth / abs([0,0]), ywidth / abs([1,1]) except AttributeError: newxwid,newywid = xwidth / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]), ywidth / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]) else: raise Exception("widthunits must be either 'wcs' or 'pixels'") if units=="pixels": newxcen,newycen = xcen,ycen elif units=="wcs" and header: newxcen,newycen = wcs.wcs_world2pix(xcen,ycen,0) else: raise Exception("units must be either 'wcs' or 'pixels'") x1 = int( numpy.floor( max([newxcen-newxwid,0]) ) ) y1 = int( numpy.floor( max([newycen-newywid,0]) ) ) x2 = int( numpy.ceil( min([newxcen+newxwid,cube.shape[2]]) ) ) y2 = int( numpy.ceil( min([newycen+newywid,cube.shape[1]]) ) ) xhi = max(x1,x2) xlo = min(x1,x2) yhi = max(y1,y2) ylo = min(y1,y2) subim = cube[:,ylo:yhi,xlo:xhi] if return_HDU: xmid_sky,ymid_sky = wcs.wcs_pix2world(xlo+xwidth,ylo+ywidth,0) try: newheader['CRVAL1'] = xmid_sky[0] newheader['CRVAL2'] = ymid_sky[0] except IndexError: newheader['CRVAL1'] = float(xmid_sky) newheader['CRVAL2'] = float(ymid_sky) newheader['CRPIX1'] = 1+xwidth newheader['CRPIX2'] = 1+ywidth newHDU = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=subim,header=newheader) if newHDU.header.get('NAXIS1') == 0 or newHDU.header.get('NAXIS2') == 0: raise Exception("Cube has been cropped to 0 in one dimension") return newHDU else: return subim
[docs]def aper_world2pix(ap,wcs,coordsys='galactic',wunit='arcsec'): """ Converts an elliptical aperture (x,y,width,height,PA) from WCS to pixel coordinates given an input wcs (an instance of the pywcs.WCS class). Must be a 2D WCS header. """ convopt = {'arcsec':3600.0,'arcmin':60.0,'degree':1.0} try: conv = convopt[wunit] except: raise Exception("Must specify wunit='arcsec','arcmin', or 'degree'") if len(wcs.wcs.cdelt) != 2: raise Exception("WCS header is not strictly 2-dimensional. Look for 3D keywords.") if '' in wcs.wcs.ctype: raise Exception("WCS header has no CTYPE.") if coordsys.lower() == 'galactic': pos = coordinates.SkyCoord(ap[0],ap[1],unit=('deg','deg'), frame='galactic') elif coordsys.lower() in ('radec','fk5','icrs','celestial'): pos = coordinates.SkyCoord(ap[0],ap[1],unit=('deg','deg'), frame='fk5') if wcs.wcs.ctype[0][:2] == 'RA': ra,dec = pos.icrs.ra.deg,pos.icrs.dec.deg elif wcs.wcs.ctype[0][:4] == 'GLON': ra,dec = pos.galactic.l.deg,pos.galactic.b.deg else: raise Exception("WCS CTYPE has no match.") # workaround for a broken wcs.wcs_sky2pix try: radif = (wcs.wcs.crval[0]-ra)*dtor gamma = acos(cos(dec*dtor)*cos(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)*cos(radif)+sin(dec*dtor)*sin(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)) / dtor theta = atan2( sin(radif) , ( tan(dec*dtor)*cos(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)-sin(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)*cos(radif) ) ) x = -gamma * sin(theta) /[0,0] + wcs.wcs.crpix[0] y = gamma * cos(theta) /[1,1] + wcs.wcs.crpix[1] except: radif = (wcs.wcs.crval[0]-ra)*dtor gamma = acos(cos(dec*dtor)*cos(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)*cos(radif)+sin(dec*dtor)*sin(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)) / dtor theta = atan2( sin(radif) , ( tan(dec*dtor)*cos(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)-sin(wcs.wcs.crval[1]*dtor)*cos(radif) ) ) x = -gamma * sin(theta) / wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] + wcs.wcs.crpix[0] y = gamma * cos(theta) / wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] + wcs.wcs.crpix[1] #print "DEBUG: x,y from math (vectors): ",x,y #x,y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(ra,dec,0) # convert WCS coordinate to pixel coordinate (0 is origin, do not use fits convention) #print "DEBUG: x,y from wcs: ",x,y try: x=x[0] - 1 # change from FITS to python convention y=y[0] - 1 # change from FITS to python convention #print "DEBUG: x,y from math: ",x,y except: pass # cd is default, cdelt is backup if len(ap) > 3: try: width = ap[2] / conv / abs([0,0]) # first is width, second is height in DS9 PA convention height = ap[3] / conv / abs([0,0]) except: width = ap[2] / conv / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) # first is width, second is height in DS9 PA convention height = ap[3] / conv / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) apold = copy.copy(ap) if len(ap) == 5: PA = ap[4] ap = [x,y,width,height,PA] else: ap = [x,y,width,height] elif len(ap) == 3: try: width = ap[2] / conv / abs([0,0]) # first is width, second is height in DS9 PA convention except: width = ap[2] / conv / abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) # first is width, second is height in DS9 PA convention apold = copy.copy(ap) ap = [x,y,width] else: raise TypeError("Aperture length is incorrect.") return ap
[docs]def getspec(lon,lat,rad,cube,header,r_fits=True,inherit=True,wunit='arcsec'): """ Given a longitude, latitude, aperture radius (arcsec), and a cube file, return a .fits file or a spectrum. Parameters ---------- lon: float lat: float longitude and latitude center of a circular aperture in WCS coordinates must be in coordinate system of the file rad: float radius (default degrees) of aperture """ convopt = {'arcsec':1.0,'arcmin':60.0,'degree':3600.0} flathead = flatten_header(header) wcs = pywcs.WCS(flathead) if wcs.wcs.ctype[0][:2] == 'RA': coordsys='celestial' elif wcs.wcs.ctype[0][:4] == 'GLON': coordsys='galactic' spec = extract_aperture(cube,[lon,lat,rad],wcs=wcs, coordsys=coordsys,wunit=wunit) if nansum(spec) == 0: print("Total of extracted spectrum was zero. lon,lat,rad: ",lon,lat,rad) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if r_fits: if inherit: newhead = header.copy() else: newhead = fits.Header() try: newhead['CD1_1'] = header['CD3_3'] except KeyError: newhead['CD1_1'] = header['CDELT3'] newhead['CRPIX1'] = header['CRPIX3'] newhead['CRVAL1'] = header['CRVAL3'] try: newhead['CTYPE1'] = header['CTYPE3'] except KeyError: newhead['CTYPE1'] = "VRAD" try: newhead['CUNIT1'] = header['CUNIT3'] except KeyError: print("Header did not contain CUNIT3 keyword. Defaulting to km/s") newhead['CUNIT1'] = "km/s" newhead['BUNIT'] = header['BUNIT'] newhead['APGLON'] = lon newhead['APGLAT'] = lat newhead['APRAD'] = (rad*convopt[wunit],'arcseconds') # radius in arcsec newfile = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=spec,header=newhead) return newfile else: return spec
[docs]def getspec_reg(cubefilename,region,**kwargs): """ Aperture extraction from a cube using a pyregion circle region The region must be in the same coordinate system as the cube header .. warning:: The second argument of getspec_reg requires a pyregion region list, and therefore this code depends on `pyregion`_. """ ds9tocoords = {'fk5':'celestial','galactic':'galactic','icrs':'celestial'} if != 'circle': raise Exception("Only circular apertures are implemented so far") l,b,r = region.coord_list #pos = coords.Position([l,b],system=ds9tocoords[region.coord_format]) if isinstance(cubefilename,fits.HDUList): cubefile = cubefilename else: cubefile = header = cubefile[0].header cube = cubefile[0].data if len(cube.shape) == 4: cube = cube[0,:,:,:] sp = getspec(l,b,r,cube,header,wunit='degree',**kwargs) return sp
[docs]def coords_in_image(fitsfile,lon,lat,system='galactic'): """ Determine whether the coordinates are inside the image """ if not isinstance(fitsfile,fits.HDUList): fitsfile = wcs = pywcs.WCS(flatten_header(fitsfile[0].header)) if 'RA' in wcs.wcs.ctype[0]: pos = coordinates.Position((lon,lat),system=system) lon,lat = pos.j2000() if 'GLON' in wcs.wcs.ctype[0]: pos = coordinates.Position((lon,lat),system=system) lon,lat = pos.galactic() x,y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(lon,lat,0) #DEBUG print x,y,wcs.naxis1,wcs.naxis2 if (0 < x < wcs.naxis1) and (0 < y < wcs.naxis2): return True else: return False
[docs]def spectral_smooth(cube, smooth_factor, downsample=True, parallel=True, numcores=None, **kwargs): """ Smooth the cube along the spectral direction """ yy,xx = numpy.indices(cube.shape[1:]) if downsample: newshape = cube[::smooth_factor,:,:].shape else: newshape = cube.shape # need to make the cube "flat" along dims 1&2 for iteration in the "map" flatshape = (cube.shape[0],cube.shape[1]*cube.shape[2]) Ssmooth = lambda x: smooth.smooth(x, smooth_factor, downsample=downsample, **kwargs) if parallel: newcube = numpy.array(parallel_map(Ssmooth, cube.reshape(flatshape).T, numcores=numcores)).T.reshape(newshape) else: newcube = numpy.array(map(Ssmooth, cube.reshape(flatshape).T)).T.reshape(newshape) #naive, non-optimal version # for (x,y) in zip(xx.flat,yy.flat): # newcube[:,y,x] = smooth.smooth(cube[:,y,x], smooth_factor, # downsample=downsample, **kwargs) return newcube
[docs]def plane_smooth(cube,cubedim=0,parallel=True,numcores=None,**kwargs): """ parallel-map the smooth function Parameters ---------- parallel: bool defaults True. Set to false if you want serial (for debug purposes?) numcores: int pass to parallel_map (None = use all available) """ if not smoothOK: return if cubedim != 0: cube = cube.swapaxes(0,cubedim) cubelist = [cube[ii,:,:] for ii in xrange(cube.shape[0])] Psmooth = lambda C: smooth.smooth(C,**kwargs) if parallel: smoothcube = array(parallel_map(Psmooth,cubelist,numcores=numcores)) else: smoothcube = array(map(Psmooth,cubelist)) if cubedim != 0: smoothcube = smoothcube.swapaxes(0,cubedim) return smoothcube
try: import montage def rotcrop_cube(x1, y1, x2, y2, cubename, outname, xwidth=25, ywidth=25, in_system='galactic', out_system='equatorial', overwrite=True, newheader=None, xcen=None, ycen=None): """ Crop a data cube and then rotate it with montage """ cubefile = if xcen is None and ycen is None: pos1 = coordinates.Position([x1,y1],system=in_system) pos2 = coordinates.Position([x2,y2],system=in_system) if cubefile[0].header.get('CTYPE1')[:2] == 'RA': x1,y1 = pos1.j2000() x2,y2 = pos2.j2000() coord_system = 'celestial' elif cubefile[0].header.get('CTYPE1')[:4] == 'GLON': x1,y1 = pos1.galactic() x2,y2 = pos2.galactic() coord_system = 'galactic' xcen = (x1+x2)/2.0 ycen = (y1+y2)/2.0 print(xcen,ycen,xwidth,ywidth,coord_system) else: coord_system = in_system sc = subcube(cubefile[0].data, xcen, xwidth, ycen, ywidth, widthunits='pixels', units="wcs", header=cubefile[0].header, return_HDU=True) # note: there should be no security risk here because fits' writeto # will not overwrite by default tempcube = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.fits') sc.writeto(tempcube) pa = posang.posang(x1,y1,x2,y2,system=coord_system) - 90 if newheader is None: newheader = sc.header.copy() cd11 = newheader.get('CDELT1') if newheader.get('CDELT1') else newheader.get('CD1_1') cd22 = newheader.get('CDELT2') if newheader.get('CDELT2') else newheader.get('CD2_2') cd12 = newheader.get('CD1_2') if newheader.get('CD1_2') else 0.0 cd21 = newheader.get('CD2_1') if newheader.get('CD2_1') else 0.0 cdelt = numpy.sqrt(cd11**2+cd12**2) tempheader = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.hdr') ycensign = "+" if numpy.sign(ycen) >= 0 else "-" montage.mHdr("%s %1s%s" % (xcen, ycensign, numpy.abs(ycen)), xwidth*cdelt, tempheader, system=out_system, height=ywidth*cdelt, pix_size=cdelt*3600.0, rotation=pa) os.system("sed -i bck '/END/d' %s" % (tempheader)) newheader2 = fits.Header() newheader2.fromTxtFile(tempheader) #newheader2.fromtextfile(tempheader) for key in ('CRPIX3','CRVAL3','CDELT3','CD3_3','CUNIT3','WCSTYPE3','CTYPE3'): if newheader.get(key): newheader2[key] = newheader.get(key) if newheader.get('CD3_3') and newheader2.get('CDELT3') is None: newheader2['CDELT3'] = newheader.get('CD3_3') if astropy.version.major >= 2 or (astropy.version.major==1 and astropy.version.minor>=3): newheader2.toTxtFile(tempheader,overwrite=True) else: newheader2.toTxtFile(tempheader,clobber=True) #if newheader2.get('CDELT3') is None: # raise Exception("No CD3_3 or CDELT3 in header.") else: if isinstance(newheader,str): newheader2 = fits.Header() newheader2.fromTxtFile(newheader) tempheader = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.hdr') if astropy.version.major >= 2 or (astropy.version.major==1 and astropy.version.minor>=3): newheader2.toTxtFile(tempheader,overwrite=True) else: newheader2.toTxtFile(tempheader,clobber=True) montage.wrappers.reproject_cube(tempcube,outname,header=tempheader,clobber=overwrite) #print "\n",outname #os.system('imhead %s | grep CDELT' % outname) # AWFUL hack because montage removes CDELT3 tempcube = tempcube.header = newheader2 #if tempcube.header.get('CDELT3') is None: # raise Exception("No CD3_3 or CDELT3 in header.") #print tempcube.header.get('CDELT3') if astropy.version.major >= 2 or (astropy.version.major==1 and astropy.version.minor>=3): tempcube.writeto(outname,overwrite=True) else: tempcube.writeto(outname,clobber=True) #print tempcube.get('CDELT3') #print "\n",outname #os.system('imhead %s | grep CDELT' % outname) return def resample_cube(cubefilename, header): inhdr = fits.getheader(cubefilename) except: pass