Basic Plotting Guide

The plotting tool in pyspeckit is intended to make publication-quality plots straightforward to produce.

For details on the various plotting tools, please see the examples and the plotter documentation.

A few basic examples are shown in the snippet below, with comments describing the various steps:

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
import pyspeckit

xaxis = np.linspace(-50,150,100.) *
sigma = 10. *
center = 50. *
synth_data = np.exp(-(xaxis-center)**2/(sigma**2 * 2.))

# Add noise
stddev = 0.1
noise = np.random.randn(xaxis.size)*stddev
error = stddev*np.ones_like(synth_data)
data = noise+synth_data

# this will give a "blank header" warning, which is fine
sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=data, error=error, xarr=xaxis,


# Fit with automatic guesses
# (this will produce a plot overlay showing the fit curve and values)

# Redo the overlay with no annotation

# remove both the legend and the model overlay
# then re-plot the model without an annotation (legend)

# overlay another spectrum
# We use the 'synthetic' spectrum with no noise, then shift it by 10 km/s
sp2 = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=synth_data, error=None, xarr=xaxis+10*,

# again, remove the overlaid model fit

# to overplot, you need to tell the plotter which matplotlib axis to use and
# tell it not to clear the plot first

# sp2.plotter and sp.plotter can both be used here (they refer to the same axis
# and figure now)

# the plot window will follow the last plotted spectrum's limits by default;
# that can be overridden with the xmin/xmax keywords
            xmin=-100, xmax=200,
            ymin=-0.5, ymax=1.5,

# you can also offset the spectra and set different 
# this time, we need to clear the axis first, then do a fresh overlay

# fresh plot

# overlay, shifted down by 0.2 in y and with a wider linewidth
# you can also modify the axis properties directly
sp.plotter.axis.set_ylim(-0.25, 1.1)

Basic plot example:

Basic plot example

Basic plot example with a fit and an annotation (annotation is on by default):

Basic plot example with a fit and an annotation (default)

Basic plot example with a fit, but with no annotation:

Basic plot example with a fit, but with no annotation

Basic plot example with a second spectrum overlaid in green:

Basic plot example with a second spectrum overlaid in green

Basic plot example with a second spectrum overlaid in green plus adjusted limits:

Basic plot example with a second spectrum overlaid in green plus adjusted limits

Basic plot example with a second spectrum offset and overlaid in red, again with adjusted limits:

Basic plot example with a second spectrum offset and overlaid in red, again with adjusted limits

API Documentation for Plotting

We include the API documentation for the generic model and fitter wrappers here.

class pyspeckit.spectrum.plotters.Plotter(Spectrum, autorefresh=True, title='', xlabel=None, silent=True, plotscale=1.0, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Class to plot a spectrum

activate_interactive_baseline_fitter(**kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Attempt to activate the interactive baseline fitter

activate_interactive_fitter()[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Attempt to activate the interactive fitter

connect()[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Connect to the matplotlib key-parsing interactivity

copy(parent=None)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Create a copy of the plotter with blank (uninitialized) axis & figure

[ parent ]
A spectroscopic axis instance that is the parent of the specfit instance. This needs to be specified at some point, but defaults to None to prevent overwriting a previous plot.
disconnect()[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Disconnect the matplotlib interactivity of this pyspeckit plotter.

label(title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, verbose_label=False, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Label the plot, with an attempt to parse standard units into nice latex labels

title : str
xlabel : str
ylabel : str
verbose_label: bool
line_ids(line_names, line_xvals, xval_units=None, auto_yloc=True, velocity_offset=None, velocity_convention='radio', auto_yloc_fraction=0.9, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Add line ID labels to a plot using lineid_plot

line_names : list

A list of strings to label the specified x-axis values

line_xvals : list

List of x-axis values (e.g., wavelengths) at which to label the lines. Can be a list of quantities.

xval_units : string

The unit of the line_xvals if they are not given as quantities

velocity_offset : quantity

A velocity offset to apply to the inputs if they are in frequency or wavelength units

velocity_convention : ‘radio’ or ‘optical’ or ‘doppler’

Used if the velocity offset is given

auto_yloc : bool

If set, overrides box_loc and arrow_tip (the vertical position of the lineid labels) in kwargs to be auto_yloc_fraction of the plot range

auto_yloc_fraction: float in range [0,1]

The fraction of the plot (vertically) at which to place labels


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyspeckit
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(
            unit='km/s', refX=6562.8, refX_unit='angstrom'),
        data=np.random.randn(101), error=np.ones(101))
>>> sp.plotter()
>>> sp.plotter.line_ids(['H$\alpha$'],[6562.8],xval_units='angstrom')
line_ids_from_measurements(auto_yloc=True, auto_yloc_fraction=0.9, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Add line ID labels to a plot using lineid_plot

auto_yloc : bool

If set, overrides box_loc and arrow_tip (the vertical position of the lineid labels) in kwargs to be auto_yloc_fraction of the plot range

auto_yloc_fraction: float in range [0,1]

The fraction of the plot (vertically) at which to place labels


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pyspeckit
>>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(
            units='km/s', refX=6562.8, refX_unit='angstroms'),
        data=np.random.randn(101), error=np.ones(101))
>>> sp.plotter()
>>> sp.specfit(multifit=None, fittype='gaussian', guesses=[1,0,1]) # fitting noise....
>>> sp.measure()
>>> sp.plotter.line_ids_from_measurements()
parse_keys(event)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Parse key commands entered from the keyboard

plot(offset=0.0, xoffset=0.0, color='k', linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=0.5, errstyle=None, erralpha=0.2, errcolor=None, silent=None, reset=True, refresh=True, use_window_limits=None, useOffset=False, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Plot the spectrum!

Tries to automatically find a reasonable plotting range if one is not set.

offset : float

vertical offset to add to the spectrum before plotting. Useful if you want to overlay multiple spectra on a single plot

xoffset: float

An x-axis shift. I don’t know why you’d want this…

color : str

default to plotting spectrum in black

linestyle : ‘steps-mid’ or str

‘steps-mid’ for histogram-style plotting. See matplotlib’s plot for more information

linewidth : float

Line width in pixels. Narrow lines are helpful when histo-plotting

errstyle : ‘fill’, ‘bars’, or None

can be “fill”, which draws partially transparent boxes around the data to show the error region, or “bars” which draws standard errorbars. None will display no errorbars

useOffset : bool

Use offset-style X/Y coordinates (e.g., 1 + 1.483e10)? Defaults to False because these are usually quite annoying.

xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax : float

override defaults for plot range. Once set, these parameters are sticky (i.e., replotting will use the same ranges). Passed to reset_limits

reset_[xy]limits : bool

Reset the limits to “sensible defaults”. Passed to reset_limits

ypeakscale : float

Scale up the Y maximum value. Useful to keep the annotations away from the data. Passed to reset_limits

reset : bool

Reset the x/y axis limits? If set, reset_limits will be called.

reset_limits(xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, reset_xlimits=True, reset_ylimits=True, ypeakscale=1.2, silent=None, use_window_limits=False, **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Automatically or manually reset the plot limits

savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight', **kwargs)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

simple wrapper of maplotlib’s savefig.

set_limits_from_visible_window(debug=False)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Hopefully self-descriptive: set the x and y limits from the currently visible window (use this if you use the pan/zoom tools or manually change the limits)

pyspeckit.spectrum.plotters.parse_norm(norm)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

Expected format: norm = 10E15

pyspeckit.spectrum.plotters.steppify(arr, isX=False)[source] [github] [bitbucket]

support function Converts an array to double-length for step plotting