Source code for pyspeckit.cubes.mapplot


Make plots of the cube and interactively connect them to spectrum plotting.
This is really an interactive component of the package; nothing in here is
meant for publication-quality plots, but more for user interactive analysis.

That said, the plotter makes use of `APLpy <>`_,
so it is possible to make publication-quality plots.

:author: Adam Ginsburg
:date: 03/17/2011


from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.figure
import numpy as np
import copy
import itertools
from astropy.extern import six
    import astropy.wcs as pywcs
    import as pyfits
    pywcsOK = True
except ImportError:
        import pyfits
        import pywcs
        pywcsOK = True
    except ImportError:
        pywcsOK = False
    import aplpy
    icanhasaplpy = True
except: # aplpy fails with generic exceptions instead of ImportError
    icanhasaplpy = False

from . import cubes

[docs]class MapPlotter(object): """ Class to plot a spectrum See `mapplot` for use documentation; this docstring is only for initialization. """ def __init__(self, Cube=None, figure=None, doplot=False, **kwargs): """ Create a map figure for future plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot self._pyplot = matplotlib.pyplot # figure out where to put the plot if isinstance(figure,matplotlib.figure.Figure): self.figure = figure elif type(figure) is int: self.figure = self._pyplot.figure(figure) else: self.figure = None self.axis = None self.FITSFigure = None self._click_marks = [] self._circles = [] self._clickX = None self._clickY = None self.overplot_colorcycle = itertools.cycle(['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y']) self.overplot_linestyle = '-' self.Cube = Cube if self.Cube is not None: self.header = cubes.flatten_header(self.Cube.header, delete=True) if pywcsOK: self.wcs = pywcs.WCS(self.header) if doplot: self.mapplot(**kwargs) def __call__(self, **kwargs): """ see mapplot """ return self.mapplot(**kwargs)
[docs] def mapplot(self, convention='calabretta', colorbar=True, useaplpy=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, plotkwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Plot up a map based on an input data cube. The map to be plotted is selected using `makeplane`. The `estimator` keyword argument is passed to that function. The plotted map, once shown, is interactive. You can click on it with any of the three mouse buttons. Button 1 or keyboard '1': Plot the selected pixel's spectrum in another window. Mark the clicked pixel with an 'x' Button 2 or keyboard 'o': Overplot a second (or third, fourth, fifth...) spectrum in the external plot window Button 3: Disconnect the interactive viewer You can also click-and-drag with button 1 to average over a circular region. This same effect can be achieved by using the 'c' key to set the /c/enter of a circle and the 'r' key to set its /r/adius (i.e., hover over the center and press 'c', then hover some distance away and press 'r'). Parameters ---------- convention : 'calabretta' or 'griesen' The default projection to assume for Galactic data when plotting with aplpy. colorbar : bool Whether to show a colorbar plotkwargs : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to aplpy.show_colorscale or matplotlib.pyplot.imshow useaplpy : bool Use aplpy if a FITS header is available vmin, vmax: float or None Override values for the vmin/vmax values. Will be automatically determined if left as None .. todo: Allow mapplot in subfigure """ if (self.figure is None): self.figure = self._pyplot.figure() elif (not self._pyplot.fignum_exists(self.figure.number)): self.figure = self._pyplot.figure() else: self._disconnect() self.figure.clf() # this is where the map is created; everything below this is just plotting self.makeplane(**kwargs) # have tot pop out estimator so that kwargs can be passed to imshow if 'estimator' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('estimator') # Below here is all plotting stuff if vmin is None: vmin = self.plane[self.plane==self.plane].min() if vmax is None: vmax = self.plane[self.plane==self.plane].max() if icanhasaplpy and useaplpy: self.fitsfile = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=self.plane,header=self.header) self.FITSFigure = aplpy.FITSFigure(self.fitsfile,figure=self.figure,convention=convention) self.FITSFigure.show_colorscale(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, **plotkwargs) if hasattr(self.FITSFigure, '_ax1'): self.axis = self.FITSFigure._ax1 else: self.axis = if colorbar: try: self.FITSFigure.add_colorbar() except Exception as ex: print("ERROR: Could not create colorbar! Error was %s" % str(ex)) self._origin = 0 # FITS convention # TODO: set _origin to 1 if using PIXEL units, not real wcs else: self.axis = self.figure.add_subplot(111) if hasattr(self,'colorbar') and self.colorbar is not None: if in self.axis.figure.axes: self.axis.figure.delaxes( self.axis.imshow(self.plane, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, **plotkwargs) if colorbar: try: self.colorbar = self._pyplot.colorbar(self.axis.images[0]) except Exception as ex: print("ERROR: Could not create colorbar! Error was %s" % str(ex)) self._origin = 0 # normal convention self.canvas = self.axis.figure.canvas self._connect()
def _connect(self): """ Connect click, click up (release click), and key press to events """ self.clickid = self.canvas.callbacks.connect('button_press_event', self.clickupid = self.canvas.callbacks.connect('button_release_event',self.plot_spectrum) self.keyid = self.canvas.callbacks.connect('key_press_event',self.plot_spectrum) def _disconnect(self): """ Disconnect click, click up (release click), and key press from events """ if hasattr(self,'canvas'): self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.clickid) self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.clickupid) self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.keyid)
[docs] def makeplane(self, estimator=np.nanmean): """ Create a "plane" view of the cube, either by slicing or projecting it or by showing a slice from the best-fit model parameter cube. Parameters ---------- estimator : [ function | 'max' | 'int' | FITS filename | integer | slice ] A non-pythonic, non-duck-typed variable. If it's a function, apply that function along the cube's spectral axis to obtain an estimate (e.g., mean, min, max, etc.). 'max' will do the same thing as passing np.max 'int' will attempt to integrate the image (which is why I didn't duck-type) (integrate means sum and multiply by dx) a .fits filename will be read using pyfits (so you can make your own cover figure) an integer will get the n'th slice in the parcube if it exists If it's a slice, slice the input data cube along the Z-axis with this slice """ # THIS IS A HACK!!! isinstance(a function, function) must be a thing... FUNCTION = type(np.max) # estimator is NOT duck-typed if type(estimator) is FUNCTION: self.plane = estimator(self.Cube.cube,axis=0) elif isinstance(estimator, six.string_types): if estimator == 'max': self.plane = self.Cube.cube.max(axis=0) elif estimator == 'int': dx = np.abs(self.Cube.xarr[1:] - self.Cube.xarr[:-1]) dx = np.concatenate([dx,[dx[-1]]]) self.plane = (self.Cube.cube * dx[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0) elif estimator[-5:] == ".fits": self.plane = pyfits.getdata(estimator) elif type(estimator) is slice: self.plane = self.Cube.cube[estimator,:,:] elif type(estimator) is int: if hasattr(self.Cube,'parcube'): self.plane = self.Cube.parcube[estimator,:,:] if self.plane is None: raise ValueError("Invalid estimator %s" % (str(estimator))) if np.sum(np.isfinite(self.plane)) == 0: raise ValueError("Map is all NaNs or infs. Check your estimator or your input cube.")
[docs] def click(self,event): """ Record location of downclick """ if event.inaxes: self._clickX = np.round(event.xdata) - self._origin self._clickY = np.round(event.ydata) - self._origin
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, event, plot_fit=True): """ Connects map cube to Spectrum... """ self.event = event if event.inaxes: clickX = np.round(event.xdata) - self._origin clickY = np.round(event.ydata) - self._origin # grab toolbar info so that we don't do anything if a tool is selected tb = self.canvas.toolbar if tb.mode != '': return elif event.key is not None: if event.key == 'c': self._center = (clickX-1,clickY-1) self._remove_circle() self._add_click_mark(clickX,clickY,clear=True) elif event.key == 'r': x,y = self._center self._add_circle(x,y,clickX,clickY),y,clickX-1,clickY-1) elif event.key == 'o': clickX,clickY = round(clickX),round(clickY) print("OverPlotting spectrum from point %i,%i" % (clickX-1,clickY-1)) color = next(self.overplot_colorcycle) self._add_click_mark(clickX,clickY,clear=False, color=color) self.Cube.plot_spectrum(clickX-1,clickY-1,clear=False, color=color, linestyle=self.overplot_linestyle) elif event.key in ('1','2'): event.button = int(event.key) event.key = None self.plot_spectrum(event) elif (hasattr(event,'button') and event.button in (1,2) and not (self._clickX == clickX and self._clickY == clickY)): if event.button == 1: self._remove_circle() clear=True color = 'k' linestyle = 'steps-mid' else: color = next(self.overplot_colorcycle) linestyle = self.overplot_linestyle clear=False rad = ( (self._clickX-clickX)**2 + (self._clickY-clickY)**2 )**0.5 print("Plotting circle from point %i,%i to %i,%i (r=%f)" % (self._clickX-1,self._clickY-1,clickX-1,clickY-1,rad)) self._add_circle(self._clickX,self._clickY,clickX,clickY),self._clickY-1,clickX-1,clickY-1,clear=clear,linestyle=linestyle,color=color) elif hasattr(event,'button') and event.button is not None: if event.button==1: clickX,clickY = round(clickX),round(clickY) print("Plotting spectrum from point %i,%i" % (clickX-1,clickY-1)) self._remove_circle() self._add_click_mark(clickX,clickY,clear=True) self.Cube.plot_spectrum(clickX-1,clickY-1,clear=True) if plot_fit: self.Cube.plot_fit(clickX-1, clickY-1, silent=True) elif event.button==2: clickX,clickY = round(clickX),round(clickY) print("OverPlotting spectrum from point %i,%i" % (clickX-1,clickY-1)) color = next(self.overplot_colorcycle) self._add_click_mark(clickX,clickY,clear=False, color=color) self.Cube.plot_spectrum(clickX-1,clickY-1,clear=False, color=color, linestyle=self.overplot_linestyle) elif event.button==3: print("Disconnecting GAIA-like tool") self._disconnect() else: print("Call failed for some reason: ") print("event: ",event) else: pass
# never really needed... warn("Click outside of axes") def _add_click_mark(self,x,y,clear=False,color='k'): """ Add an X at some position """ if clear: self._clear_click_marks() if self.FITSFigure is not None: label = 'xmark%i' % (len(self._click_marks)+1) x,y = self.FITSFigure.pixel2world(x,y) self.FITSFigure.show_markers(x,y,marker='x',c=color,layer=label) self._click_marks.append( label ) else: self._click_marks.append( self.axis.plot(x,y,'kx') ) self.refresh() def _clear_click_marks(self): """ Remove all marks added by previous clicks """ if self.FITSFigure is not None: for mark in self._click_marks: if mark in self.FITSFigure._layers: self.FITSFigure.remove_layer(mark) else: for mark in self._click_marks: self._click_marks.remove(mark) if mark in self.axis.lines: self.axis.lines.remove(mark) self.refresh() def _add_circle(self,x,y,x2,y2,**kwargs): """ """ if self.FITSFigure is not None: x,y = self.FITSFigure.pixel2world(x,y) x2,y2 = self.FITSFigure.pixel2world(x2,y2) r = (np.linalg.norm(np.array([x,y])-np.array([x2,y2]))) #self.FITSFigure.show_markers(x,y,s=r,marker='o',facecolor='none',edgecolor='black',layer='circle') layername = "circle%02i" % len(self._circles) self.FITSFigure.show_circles(x,y,r,edgecolor='black',facecolor='none',layer=layername,**kwargs) self._circles.append(layername) else: r = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x,y])-np.array([x2,y2])) circle = matplotlib.patches.Circle([x,y],radius=r,**kwargs) self._circles.append( circle ) self.axis.patches.append(circle) self.refresh() def _remove_circle(self): """ """ if self.FITSFigure is not None: for layername in self._circles: if layername in self.FITSFigure._layers: self.FITSFigure.remove_layer(layername) else: for circle in self._circles: if circle in self.axis.patches: self.axis.patches.remove(circle) self._circles.remove(circle) self.refresh()
[docs] def refresh(self): if self.axis is not None: self.axis.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def circle(self,x1,y1,x2,y2,**kwargs): """ Plot the spectrum of a circular aperture """ r = (np.linalg.norm(np.array([x1,y1])-np.array([x2,y2]))) self.Cube.plot_apspec([x1,y1,r],**kwargs) = cubes.extract_aperture( self.Cube.cube, [x1,y1,r] , coordsys=None ) #self.Cube.plotter()
[docs] def copy(self, parent=None): """ Create a copy of the map plotter with blank (uninitialized) axis & figure [ parent ] A spectroscopic axis instance that is the parent of the specfit instance. This needs to be specified at some point, but defaults to None to prevent overwriting a previous plot. """ newmapplot = copy.copy(self) newmapplot.Cube = parent newmapplot.axis = None newmapplot.figure = None return newmapplot