Source code for pyspeckit.spectrum.measurements

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from astropy.extern.six.moves import xrange
import itertools
from . import cosmology
from collections import OrderedDict

To test:

import spectrum
spec = spectrum.Spectrum('sample_sdss.txt')
spec.plotter(xmin = 6400, xmax = 6800)
spec.specfit(guesses = [20, 6718.29, 5, 100, 6564.614, 20, 50, 6585.27, 20, 20, 6732.67, 5, 50, 6549.86, 5])

cm_per_mpc = 3.08568e+24

[docs]class Measurements(object): def __init__(self, Spectrum, z=None, d=None, fluxnorm=None, miscline=None, misctol=10., ignore=None, derive=True, debug=False, restframe=False, ptol=2, sort=False): """ This can be called after a fit is run. It will inherit the specfit object and derive as much as it can from modelpars. Just do: spec.measure(z, xunits, fluxnorm) Notes: If z (redshift) or d (distance) are present, we can compute integrated line luminosities rather than just fluxes. Provide distance in cm. Only works with Gaussians. To generalize: 1. make sure we manipulate modelpars correctly, i.e. read in entries corresponding to wavelength/frequency/whatever correctly. Parameters ---------- z: float or None redshift d: float or None distance in cm (used for luminosities) fluxnorm: bool Normalize the fluxes? miscline: dictionary miscline = [{'name': H_alpha', 'wavelength': 6565}] misctol: tolerance (in Angstroms) for identifying an unmatched line to the line(s) we specify in miscline dictionary. sort: bool Sort the entries in order of observed wavelength (or velocity or frequency) """ self.debug = debug self.restframe = restframe # Inherit specfit object self.specfit = Spectrum.specfit self.speclines = Spectrum.speclines # Bit of a hack - help identifying unmatched lines self.miscline = miscline self.misctol = misctol # Flux units in case we are interested in line luminosities or just having real flux units if fluxnorm is not None: self.fluxnorm = fluxnorm else: self.fluxnorm = 1 # This is where we'll keep our results self.lines = OrderedDict() # Read in observed wavelengths tmp1 = np.reshape(self.specfit.modelpars, (int(len(self.specfit.modelpars) / 3), 3)) tmp2 = np.reshape(self.specfit.modelerrs, (int(len(self.specfit.modelerrs) / 3), 3)) if ignore is not None: tmp1 = np.delete(tmp1, ignore, 0) tmp2 = np.delete(tmp2, ignore, 0) # each tmp1 contains amplitude,wavelength,width # (Assumes gaussians) wavelengths = tmp1[:,1] # sort by wavelength if sort: order = np.argsort(wavelengths) self.obspos = wavelengths[order] else: order = np.arange(wavelengths.size) self.obspos = wavelengths self.Nlines = wavelengths.size # Read in modelpars and modelerrs, re-organize so they are 2D arrays sorted by ascending wavelength self.modelpars = np.zeros_like(tmp1) self.modelerrs = np.zeros_like(tmp2) for i, element in enumerate(order): self.modelpars[i] = tmp1[element] self.modelerrs[i] = tmp2[element] # Read in appropriate list of reference wavelengths/frequencies/whatever self.reflines = self.speclines.optical.get_optical_lines() self.refpos = self.reflines['xarr'] self.refname = self.reflines['name'] # Redshift reference lines if restframe = True if self.restframe and z is not None: self.refpos *= (1.0 + z) # If distance or redshift has been provided, we can compute luminosities from fluxes if d is not None: self.d = d else: self.d = None if z is not None: self.cosmology = cosmology.Cosmology() self.d = self.cosmology.LuminosityDistance(z) * cm_per_mpc self.unmatched = self.identify_by_position(ptol=ptol) #if np.sum(unmatched) >= 2: # self.identify_by_spacing(unmatched) if derive: self.derive()
[docs] def identify_by_position(self, ptol): """ Match observed lines to nearest reference line. Don't use spacing at all. ptol = tolerance (in angstroms) to accept positional match """ if not hasattr(self, 'lines'): self.lines = OrderedDict() # Fill lines dictionary unmatched = np.zeros_like(self.obspos) for i, pos in enumerate(self.obspos): # Check miscline directory for match matched = False if self.miscline is not None: for line in self.miscline: if abs(pos - line['wavelength']) > ptol: continue matched = True name = line['name'] break if not matched: diff = np.abs(pos - self.refpos) loc = np.argmin(diff) if diff[loc] <= ptol: matched = True name = self.refname[loc] if name in self.lines.keys(): name += '_1' num = int(name[-1]) while name in self.lines.keys(): num += 1 name = '%s_%i' % (self.refname[loc], num) if matched: self.lines[name] = {} self.lines[name]['modelpars'] = list(self.modelpars[i]) self.lines[name]['modelerrs'] = list(self.modelerrs[i]) else: name = 'unknown_1' num = 1 while name in self.lines.keys(): num += 1 name = 'unknown_%i' % num self.lines[name] = {} self.lines[name]['modelpars'] = list(self.modelpars[i]) self.lines[name]['modelerrs'] = list(self.modelerrs[i]) unmatched[i] = 1 return unmatched
[docs] def identify_by_spacing(self): """ Determine identity of lines in self.modelpars. Fill entries of self.lines dictionary. Note: This method will be infinitely slow for more than 10 or so lines. """ if self.unmatched is None: self.unmatched = np.ones_like(self.obspos) # Remove lines that were already identified obspos = self.obspos[self.unmatched == 1] # Spacing between observed lines (odiff) and reference lines (rdiff) self.odiff = np.abs(np.diff(obspos)) self.rdiff = np.abs(np.diff(self.refpos)) # Don't try to identify lines with separations smaller than the smallest # separation in our reference library self.rdmin = 0.99 * min(self.rdiff) # If lines have multiple components (i.e. spacing much closer than ref lines), # delete them from ID list. if np.any(self.odiff) < self.rdmin: where = np.ravel(np.argwhere(self.odiff < self.rdmin)) odiff = np.delete(self.odiff, where) multi = True else: where = 0 odiff = self.odiff multi = False refpos = self.refpos refname = self.refname # Don't include elements of reference array that are far away from the observed lines (speeds things up) condition = (refpos >= 0.99 * min(self.obspos)) & (refpos <= 1.01 * max(self.obspos)) refpos = refpos[condition] refname = refname[condition] if len(refpos) == 0: print('WARNING: No reference lines in this wavelength regime.') elif len(refpos) < self.Nlines: print('WARNING: More observed lines than reference lines in this band.') # Construct all possible (N-element) combos of reference lines combos = itertools.combinations(refpos, min(self.Nlines, len(refpos))) # List to keep track of line identification. Each entry is (cost, (line1, line2, line3,...)) self.IDresults = [] for i, combo in enumerate(combos): rdiff = np.diff(combo) if len(odiff) == len(rdiff): result = (np.sum(np.abs(odiff - rdiff)), combo) self.IDresults.append(result) else: # If more/less observed lines than reference lines, try excluding observed lines one at a time if len(odiff) > len(rdiff): subcombos = itertools.combinations(odiff, len(rdiff)) for subcombo in subcombos: result = (np.sum(np.abs(subcombo - rdiff)), combo) self.IDresults.append(result) else: subcombos = itertools.combinations(rdiff, len(odiff)) for subcombo in subcombos: result = (np.sum(np.abs(odiff - subcombo)), combo) self.IDresults.append(result) # Pick best solution best = np.argmin(zip(*self.IDresults)[0]) # Location of best solution ALLloc = [] # x-values of best fit lines in reference dictionary # Determine indices of matched reference lines for element in self.IDresults[best][1]: ALLloc.append(np.argmin(np.abs(refpos - element))) # Fill lines dictionary for i, element in enumerate(ALLloc): line = refname[element] self.lines[line] = {} loc = np.argmin(np.abs(self.obspos - refpos[element])) self.lines[line]['modelpars'] = list(self.modelpars[loc]) self.lines[line]['modelerrs'] = list(self.modelerrs[loc]) # Track down odd lines (i.e. broad components of lines already identified) # This won't yet work for lines that are truly unidentified if len(ALLloc) < self.Nlines: # Figure out which modelpars/errs that belong to lines that were already identified mpars = self.modelpars.copy() merrs = self.modelerrs.copy() for line in self.lines: wavelengths = zip(*mpars)[1] i = np.argmin(np.abs(zip(*mpars)[1] - self.lines[line]['modelpars'][1])) mpars = np.delete(mpars, i, 0) merrs = np.delete(merrs, i, 0) # Loop over unmatched modelpars/errs, find name of unmatched line, extend corresponding dict entry if self.miscline is None: for i, x in enumerate(zip(*mpars)[1]): self.lines['unknown%i' % i] = {} self.lines['unknown%i' % i]['modelpars'] = mpars[i] self.lines['unknown%i' % i]['modelerrs'] = merrs[i] # If we've know a-priori which lines the unmatched lines are likely to be, use that information else: print(self.miscline) for i, miscline in enumerate(self.miscline): for j, x in enumerate(zip(*mpars)[1]): if abs(x - miscline['wavelength']) < self.misctol: name = miscline['name'] else: name = 'unknown%i' % j self.lines[name] = {} self.lines[name]['modelpars'] = mpars[j] self.lines[name]['modelerrs'] = merrs[j] self.separate()
[docs] def derive(self): """ Calculate luminosity and FWHM for all spectral lines. """ for line in self.lines.keys(): if self.debug: print("Computing parameters for line %s" % line) self.lines[line]['fwhm'] = self.compute_fwhm(self.lines[line]['modelpars']) self.lines[line]['flux'] = self.compute_flux(self.lines[line]['modelpars']) self.lines[line]['amp'] = self.compute_amplitude(self.lines[line]['modelpars']) self.lines[line]['pos'] = self.lines[line]['modelpars'][1] if self.d is not None: self.lines[line]['lum'] = self.compute_luminosity(self.lines[line]['modelpars'])
[docs] def separate(self): """ For multicomponent lines, separate into broad and narrow components (assume only one of components is narrow). """ for key in self.lines.keys(): modpars = self.lines[key]['modelpars'] moderrs = self.lines[key]['modelerrs'] if len(modpars) > 3: modpars2d = np.reshape(modpars, (len(modpars) / 3, 3)) moderrs2d = np.reshape(moderrs, (len(moderrs) / 3, 3)) sigma = zip(*modpars2d)[2] minsigma = min(np.abs(sigma)) i_narrow = list(np.abs(sigma)).index(minsigma) else: continue self.lines["{0}_N".format(key)] = {} self.lines["{0}_N".format(key)]['modelpars'] = [] self.lines["{0}_N".format(key)]['modelerrs'] = [] self.lines["{0}_B".format(key)] = {} self.lines["{0}_B".format(key)]['modelpars'] = [] self.lines["{0}_B".format(key)]['modelerrs'] = [] for i, arr in enumerate(modpars2d): if i == i_narrow: self.lines["{0}_N".format(key)]['modelpars'] = arr self.lines["{0}_N".format(key)]['modelerrs'] = moderrs2d[i] else: self.lines["{0}_B".format(key)]['modelpars'].extend(arr) self.lines["{0}_B".format(key)]['modelerrs'].extend(moderrs2d[i])
[docs] def compute_flux(self, pars): """ Calculate integrated flux of emission line. Works for multi-component fits too. Unnormalized. """ flux = 0 niter = (len(pars) / 3) assert niter == int(niter) for i in xrange(int(niter)): flux += np.sqrt(2. * np.pi) * pars[3 * i] * abs(pars[2 + 3 * i]) return flux * self.fluxnorm
[docs] def compute_amplitude(self, pars): """ Calculate amplitude of emission line. Should be easy - add multiple components if they exist. Currently assumes multiple components have the same centroid. """ amp = 0 niter = (len(pars) / 3) for i in xrange(int(niter)): amp += pars[3 * i] return amp * self.fluxnorm
[docs] def compute_luminosity(self, pars): """ Determine luminosity of line (need distance and flux units). """ lum = 0 niter = (len(pars) / 3) for i in xrange(int(niter)): lum += self.compute_flux(pars) * 4. * np.pi * self.d**2 return lum
[docs] def compute_fwhm(self, pars): """ Determine full-width at half maximum for multi-component fit numerically, or analytically if line has only a single component. Uses bisection technique for the former with absolute tolerance of 1e-4. """ if len(pars) == 3: return 2. * np.sqrt(2. * np.log(2.)) * abs(pars[2]) else: atol = 1e-4 niter = (len(pars) / 3) pars2d = np.reshape(pars, (int(niter), 3)) start = zip(*pars2d)[1][0] # start at central wavelength of first component # If the centroids are exactly the same for all components, we know the peak, and peak position if np.allclose(zip(*pars2d)[1], atol): fmax = np.sum(zip(*pars2d)[0]) # Otherwise, we have to figure out where the multicomponent peak is else: f = lambda x: self.specfit.fitter.slope(x) xfmax = self.bisection(f, start) fmax = self.specfit.fitter.n_modelfunc(pars)(np.array([xfmax, xfmax]))[0] hmax = 0.5 * fmax # current height relative to half max - we want to minimize this function. Could be asymmetric. f = lambda x: self.specfit.fitter.n_modelfunc(pars)(np.array([x])) - hmax xhmax1 = self.bisection(f, start) xhmax2 = self.bisection(f, start + (start - xhmax1)) return abs(xhmax2 - xhmax1)
[docs] def bisection(self, f, x_guess): """ Find root of function using bisection method. Absolute tolerance of 1e-4 is being used. """ x1, x2 = self.bracket_root(f, x_guess) # Narrow bracketed range with bisection until tolerance is met while abs(x2 - x1) > 1e-4: midpt = np.mean([x1, x2]) fmid = f(midpt) if np.sign(fmid) < 0: x1 = midpt else: x2 = midpt if fmid == 0.0: break return x2
[docs] def bracket_root(self, f, x_guess, atol = 1e-4): """ Bracket root by finding points where function goes from positive to negative. """ f1 = f(x_guess) f2 = f(x_guess + 1) df = f2 - f1 # Determine whether increasing or decreasing x_guess will lead us to zero if (f1 > 0 and df < 0) or (f1 < 0 and df > 0): sign = 1 else: sign = -1 # Find root bracketing points xpre = x_guess xnow = x_guess + sign fpre = f1 fnow = f(xnow) while (np.sign(fnow) == np.sign(fpre)): xpre = xnow xnow += sign * 0.1 fpre = f(xpre) fnow = f(xnow) x1 = min(xnow, xpre) x2 = max(xnow, xpre) if not np.all([np.sign(fpre), np.sign(fnow)]): x1 -= 1e-4 x2 += 1e-4 return x1, x2
[docs] def to_tex(self): """ Write out fit results to tex format. """ pass