Source code for pyspeckit.spectrum.plotters


.. moduleauthor:: Adam Ginsburg <>
from __future__ import print_function
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.figure
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import copy
import inspect
from astropy import log

    from matplotlib.cbook import BoundMethodProxy
except ImportError:
        from matplotlib.cbook import _BoundMethodProxy as BoundMethodProxy
    except ImportError:
        from matplotlib.cbook import WeakMethod
        class BoundMethodProxy(WeakMethod):
            def func(self):
                return self()

from . import widgets
from ..specwarnings import warn

interactive_help_message = """
Interactive key commands for plotter.  An additional help message may appear if
you have initiated the fitter.
'?' - bring up this message
'f' - initiate the /f/itter
'b' - initiate the /b/aseliner
'B' - initiate the /b/aseliner (reset the selection too)
'r' - re-attach matplotlib keys
'R' - redraw the plot cleanly
'i' : individual components / show each fitted component

xlabel_table = {'speed': 'Velocity'}

[docs]class Plotter(object): """ Class to plot a spectrum """ def __init__(self, Spectrum, autorefresh=True, title="", xlabel=None, silent=True, plotscale=1.0, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot self._pyplot = matplotlib.pyplot self.figure = None self.axis = None self.Spectrum = Spectrum # plot parameters self.offset = 0.0 # vertical offset self.autorefresh = autorefresh self.xlabel = xlabel self.title = title self.errorplot = None self.plotkwargs = kwargs self._xlim = [None,None] self._ylim = [None,None] self.debug = False self.keyclick = None self.silent = silent self.plotscale = plotscale self._xclick1 = None self._xclick2 = None self.automake_fitter_tool = False self._active_gui = None @property def _xunit(self): return self.Spectrum.xarr.unit def _get_prop(xy, minmax): def getprop(self): if xy == 'x': if minmax == 'min': if self._xlim[0] is not None and self._xunit: try: self._xlim[0]._unit = self._xunit except AttributeError: self._xlim[0] = u.Quantity(self._xlim[0], self._xunit) return self._xlim[0] elif minmax == 'max': if self._xlim[1] is not None and self._xunit: try: self._xlim[1]._unit = self._xunit except AttributeError: self._xlim[1] = u.Quantity(self._xlim[1], self._xunit) return self._xlim[1] elif xy == 'y': if minmax == 'min': return self._ylim[0] elif minmax == 'max': return self._ylim[1] return getprop def _set_prop(xy, minmax): def setprop(self, value): if self.debug: frm = inspect.stack() print(frm[1],"Setting %s%s to %s" % (xy,minmax,value)) if xy == 'x': if minmax == 'min': self._xlim[0] = value elif minmax == 'max': self._xlim[1] = value elif xy == 'y': if minmax == 'min': self._ylim[0] = value elif minmax == 'max': self._ylim[1] = value return setprop xmin = property(fget=_get_prop('x','min'),fset=_set_prop('x','min')) xmax = property(fget=_get_prop('x','max'),fset=_set_prop('x','max')) ymin = property(fget=_get_prop('y','min'),fset=_set_prop('y','min')) ymax = property(fget=_get_prop('y','max'),fset=_set_prop('y','max')) def _disconnect_matplotlib_keys(self): """ Disconnected the matplotlib key-press callbacks """ if self.figure is not None: cbs = self.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks # this may cause problems since the dict of key press events is a # dict, i.e. not ordered, and we want to pop the first one... mpl_keypress_handler = self.figure.canvas.manager.key_press_handler_id try: self._mpl_key_callbacks = {mpl_keypress_handler: cbs['key_press_event'].pop(mpl_keypress_handler)} except KeyError: bmp = BoundMethodProxy(self.figure.canvas.manager.key_press) self._mpl_key_callbacks = {mpl_keypress_handler: bmp} def _reconnect_matplotlib_keys(self): """ Reconnect the previously disconnected matplotlib keys """ if self.figure is not None and hasattr(self,'_mpl_key_callbacks'): self.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks['key_press_event'].update(self._mpl_key_callbacks) elif self.figure is not None: mpl_keypress_handler = self.figure.canvas.manager.key_press_handler_id bmp = BoundMethodProxy(self.figure.canvas.manager.key_press) self.figure.canvas.callbacks.callbacks['key_press_event'].update({mpl_keypress_handler: bmp}) def __call__(self, figure=None, axis=None, clear=True, autorefresh=None, plotscale=1.0, override_plotkwargs=False, **kwargs): """ Plot a spectrum Keywords: figure - either a matplotlib figure instance or a figure number to pass into pyplot.figure. axis - Alternative to figure, can pass an axis instance and use it as the plotting canvas clear - Clear the axis before plotting? """ # figure out where to put the plot if isinstance(figure,matplotlib.figure.Figure): self.figure = figure self.axis = self.figure.gca() elif type(figure) is int: self.figure = self._pyplot.figure(figure) self.axis = self.figure.gca() elif self.figure is None: if isinstance(axis,matplotlib.axes.Axes): self.axis = axis self.figure = axis.figure else: self.figure = self._pyplot.figure() if hasattr(self.figure, 'number') and not self._pyplot.fignum_exists(self.figure.number): self.figure = self._pyplot.figure(self.figure.number) # always re-connect the interactive keys to avoid frustration... self._mpl_reconnect() if axis is not None: #self._mpl_disconnect() self.axis = axis self.figure = axis.figure #self._mpl_connect() elif len(self.figure.axes) > 0 and self.axis is None: self.axis = self.figure.axes[0] # default to first axis elif self.axis is None: self.axis = self.figure.gca() # A check to deal with issue #117: if you close the figure, the axis # still exists, but it cannot be reattached to a figure if (hasattr(self.axis.get_figure(), 'number') and not (self.axis.get_figure() is self._pyplot.figure(self.axis.get_figure().number))): self.axis = self.figure.gca() if self.axis is not None and self.axis not in self.figure.axes: # if you've cleared the axis, but the figure is still open, you # need a new axis self.figure.add_axes(self.axis) if clear and self.axis is not None: self.axis.clear() # Need to empty the stored model plots if hasattr(self.Spectrum, 'fitter'): self.Spectrum.fitter.clear() if autorefresh is not None: self.autorefresh = autorefresh self.plotscale = plotscale if self.plotkwargs and not override_plotkwargs: self.plotkwargs.update(kwargs) else: self.plotkwargs = kwargs self.plot(**kwargs) def _mpl_connect(self): if self.keyclick is None: self.keyclick = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event',self.parse_keys) def _mpl_disconnect(self): self.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.keyclick) self.keyclick = None
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect the matplotlib interactivity of this pyspeckit plotter. """ self._mpl_disconnect()
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connect to the matplotlib key-parsing interactivity """ self._mpl_connect()
def _mpl_reconnect(self): self._mpl_disconnect() self._mpl_connect() # disable fullscreen & grid self._pyplot.rcParams['keymap.fullscreen'] = 'ctrl+f' self._pyplot.rcParams['keymap.grid'] = 'ctrl+g'
[docs] def plot(self, offset=0.0, xoffset=0.0, color='k', linestyle='steps-mid', linewidth=0.5, errstyle=None, erralpha=0.2, errcolor=None, silent=None, reset=True, refresh=True, use_window_limits=None, useOffset=False, **kwargs): """ Plot the spectrum! Tries to automatically find a reasonable plotting range if one is not set. Parameters ---------- offset : float vertical offset to add to the spectrum before plotting. Useful if you want to overlay multiple spectra on a single plot xoffset: float An x-axis shift. I don't know why you'd want this... color : str default to plotting spectrum in black linestyle : 'steps-mid' or str 'steps-mid' for histogram-style plotting. See matplotlib's plot for more information linewidth : float Line width in pixels. Narrow lines are helpful when histo-plotting errstyle : 'fill', 'bars', or None can be "fill", which draws partially transparent boxes around the data to show the error region, or "bars" which draws standard errorbars. ``None`` will display no errorbars useOffset : bool Use offset-style X/Y coordinates (e.g., 1 + 1.483e10)? Defaults to False because these are usually quite annoying. xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax : float override defaults for plot range. Once set, these parameters are sticky (i.e., replotting will use the same ranges). Passed to `reset_limits` reset_[xy]limits : bool Reset the limits to "sensible defaults". Passed to `reset_limits` ypeakscale : float Scale up the Y maximum value. Useful to keep the annotations away from the data. Passed to `reset_limits` reset : bool Reset the x/y axis limits? If set, `reset_limits` will be called. """ if self.axis is None: raise Exception("You must call the Plotter class to initiate the canvas before plotting.") self.offset = offset # there is a bug where this only seems to update the second time it is called self.label(**kwargs) self.label(**kwargs) for arg in ['title','xlabel','ylabel']: if arg in kwargs: kwargs.pop(arg) reset_kwargs = {} for arg in ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'reset_xlimits', 'reset_ylimits', 'ypeakscale']: if arg in kwargs: reset_kwargs[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg) if (use_window_limits is None and any(k in reset_kwargs for k in ('xmin','xmax','reset_xlimits'))): use_window_limits = False if use_window_limits: self._stash_window_limits() # for filled errorbars, order matters. inds = np.argsort(self.Spectrum.xarr) if errstyle is not None: if errcolor is None: errcolor = color if errstyle == 'fill': self.errorplot = [self.axis.fill_between(steppify(self.Spectrum.xarr.value[inds]+xoffset, isX=True), steppify((*self.plotscale+self.offset-self.Spectrum.error*self.plotscale)[inds]), steppify((*self.plotscale+self.offset+self.Spectrum.error*self.plotscale)[inds]), facecolor=errcolor, edgecolor=errcolor, alpha=erralpha, **kwargs)] elif errstyle == 'bars': self.errorplot = self.axis.errorbar(self.Spectrum.xarr[inds].value+xoffset,[inds]*self.plotscale+self.offset, yerr=self.Spectrum.error[inds]*self.plotscale, ecolor=errcolor, fmt='none', **kwargs) self._spectrumplot = self.axis.plot(self.Spectrum.xarr.value[inds]+xoffset,[inds]*self.plotscale+self.offset, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs) self.axis.ticklabel_format(useOffset=useOffset) if use_window_limits: self._reset_to_stashed_limits() if silent is not None: self.silent = silent if reset: self.reset_limits(use_window_limits=use_window_limits, **reset_kwargs) if self.autorefresh and refresh: self.refresh()
# Maybe it's OK to call 'plot' when there is an active gui tool # (e.g., baseline or specfit)? #if self._active_gui: # self._active_gui = None # warn("An active GUI was found while initializing the " # "plot. This is somewhat dangerous and may result " # "in broken interactivity.") def _stash_window_limits(self): self._window_limits = self.axis.get_xlim(),self.axis.get_ylim() if self.debug: print("Stashed window limits: ",self._window_limits) def _reset_to_stashed_limits(self): self.axis.set_xlim(*self._window_limits[0]) self.axis.set_ylim(*self._window_limits[1]) self.xmin,self.xmax = self._window_limits[0] self.ymin,self.ymax = self._window_limits[1] if self.debug: print("Recovered window limits: ",self._window_limits)
[docs] def reset_limits(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, reset_xlimits=True, reset_ylimits=True, ypeakscale=1.2, silent=None, use_window_limits=False, **kwargs): """ Automatically or manually reset the plot limits """ # if not use_window_limits: use_window_limits = False if self.debug: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) print(zip(args,values)) if use_window_limits: # this means DO NOT reset! # it simply sets self.[xy][min/max] = current value self.set_limits_from_visible_window() else: if silent is not None: self.silent = silent # if self.xmin and self.xmax: if (reset_xlimits or self.Spectrum.xarr.min().value < self.xmin or self.Spectrum.xarr.max().value > self.xmax): if not self.silent: warn("Resetting X-axis min/max because the plot is out of bounds.") self.xmin = None self.xmax = None if xmin is not None: self.xmin = u.Quantity(xmin, self._xunit) elif self.xmin is None: self.xmin = u.Quantity(self.Spectrum.xarr.min().value, self._xunit) if xmax is not None: self.xmax = u.Quantity(xmax, self._xunit) elif self.xmax is None: self.xmax = u.Quantity(self.Spectrum.xarr.max().value, self._xunit) xpixmin = np.argmin(np.abs(self.Spectrum.xarr.value-self.xmin.value)) xpixmax = np.argmin(np.abs(self.Spectrum.xarr.value-self.xmax.value)) if xpixmin>xpixmax: xpixmin,xpixmax = xpixmax,xpixmin elif xpixmin == xpixmax: if reset_xlimits: raise Exception("Infinite recursion error. Maybe there are no valid data?") if not self.silent: warn("ERROR: the X axis limits specified were invalid. Resetting.") self.reset_limits(reset_xlimits=True, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, reset_ylimits=reset_ylimits, ypeakscale=ypeakscale, **kwargs) return if self.ymin is not None and self.ymax is not None: # this is utter nonsense.... if (np.nanmax( < self.ymin or np.nanmin( > self.ymax or reset_ylimits): if not self.silent and not reset_ylimits: warn("Resetting Y-axis min/max because the plot is out of bounds.") self.ymin = None self.ymax = None if ymin is not None: self.ymin = ymin elif self.ymin is None: yminval = np.nanmin([xpixmin:xpixmax]) # Increase the range fractionally. This means dividing a positive #, multiplying a negative # if yminval < 0: self.ymin = float(yminval)*float(ypeakscale) else: self.ymin = float(yminval)/float(ypeakscale) if ymax is not None: self.ymax = ymax elif self.ymax is None: ymaxval = (np.nanmax([xpixmin:xpixmax])-self.ymin) if ymaxval > 0: self.ymax = float(ymaxval) * float(ypeakscale) + self.ymin else: self.ymax = float(ymaxval) / float(ypeakscale) + self.ymin self.ymin += self.offset self.ymax += self.offset self.axis.set_xlim(self.xmin.value if hasattr(self.xmin, 'value') else self.xmin, self.xmax.value if hasattr(self.xmax, 'value') else self.xmax) self.axis.set_ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax)
[docs] def label(self, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, verbose_label=False, **kwargs): """ Label the plot, with an attempt to parse standard units into nice latex labels Parameters ---------- title : str xlabel : str ylabel : str verbose_label: bool """ if title is not None: self.title = title elif hasattr(self.Spectrum,'specname'): self.title = self.Spectrum.specname if self.title is not "": self.axis.set_title(self.title) if xlabel is not None: log.debug("setting xlabel={0}".format(xlabel)) self.xlabel = xlabel elif self._xunit: try: self.xlabel = xlabel_table[self._xunit.physical_type.lower()] except KeyError: self.xlabel = self._xunit.physical_type.title() # WAS: self.xlabel += " ("+u.Unit(self._xunit).to_string()+")" self.xlabel += " ({0})".format(self._xunit.to_string()) log.debug("xunit is {1}. set xlabel={0}".format(self.xlabel, self._xunit)) if verbose_label: self.xlabel = "%s %s" % (self.Spectrum.xarr.velocity_convention.title(), self.xlabel) else: log.warn("Plotter: xlabel was not set") if self.xlabel is not None: self.axis.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self.axis.set_ylabel(ylabel) elif self.Spectrum.unit in ['Ta*','Tastar']: self.axis.set_ylabel("$T_A^*$ (K)") elif self.Spectrum.unit in ['K']: self.axis.set_ylabel("Brightness Temperature $T$ (K)") elif self.Spectrum.unit == 'mJy': self.axis.set_ylabel("$S_\\nu$ (mJy)") elif self.Spectrum.unit == 'Jy': self.axis.set_ylabel("$S_\\nu$ (Jy)") else: if isinstance(self.Spectrum.unit, str) and "$" in self.Spectrum.unit: # assume LaTeX already self.axis.set_ylabel(self.Spectrum.unit) elif isinstance(self.Spectrum.unit, str): self.axis.set_ylabel(self.Spectrum.unit) else: label_units = self.Spectrum.unit.to_string(format='latex') if 'mathring{A}' in label_units: label_units = label_units.replace('\mathring{A}', 'A') if '\overset' in label_units: label_units = label_units.replace('\overset', '^') self.axis.set_ylabel(label_units)
@property def ylabel(self): return self.axis.get_ylabel() def refresh(self): if self.axis is not None: self.axis.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def savefig(self,fname,bbox_inches='tight',**kwargs): """ simple wrapper of maplotlib's savefig. """ self.axis.figure.savefig(fname,bbox_inches=bbox_inches,**kwargs)
[docs] def parse_keys(self,event): """ Parse key commands entered from the keyboard """ if hasattr(event,'key'): if event.key == '?': print(interactive_help_message) elif event.key == 'f': print("\n\nFitter initiated from the interactive plotter.") # extra optional text: # Matplotlib shortcut keys ('g','l','p',etc.) are disabled. Re-enable with 'r'" if self._active_gui == self.Spectrum.specfit and self._active_gui._check_connections(verbose=False): print("Fitter is already active. Use 'q' to quit the fitter.") elif self._active_gui == self.Spectrum.specfit and not self._active_gui._check_connections(verbose=False): # forcibly clear connections self._active_gui.clear_all_connections() # the 'clear_all_connections' code *explicitly* makes the # following line correct, except in the case that there is # no canvas... assert self._active_gui is None self.activate_interactive_fitter() else: self.activate_interactive_fitter() assert self._active_gui == self.Spectrum.specfit assert self._active_gui._check_connections(verbose=False) if not hasattr(self,'FitterTool') and self.automake_fitter_tool: self.FitterTool = widgets.FitterTools(self.Spectrum.specfit, self.figure) elif hasattr(self,'FitterTool') and self.FitterTool.toolfig.number not in self._pyplot.get_fignums(): self.FitterTool = widgets.FitterTools(self.Spectrum.specfit, self.figure) elif event.key is not None and event.key.lower() == 'b': if event.key == 'b': print("\n\nBaseline initiated from the interactive plotter") elif event.key == 'B': print("\n\nBaseline initiated from the interactive plotter (with reset)") print("Matplotlib shortcut keys ('g','l','p',etc.) are disabled. Re-enable with 'r'") self.activate_interactive_baseline_fitter(reset_selection=(event.key=='B')) if not hasattr(self,'FitterTool') and self.automake_fitter_tool: self.FitterTool = widgets.FitterTools(self.Spectrum.specfit, self.figure) elif hasattr(self,'FitterTool') and self.FitterTool.toolfig.number not in self._pyplot.get_fignums(): self.FitterTool = widgets.FitterTools(self.Spectrum.specfit, self.figure) elif event.key == 'r': # print("\n\nReconnected matplotlib shortcut keys.") self._reconnect_matplotlib_keys() elif event.key == 'R': self() elif event.key == 'i': self.Spectrum.specfit.plot_fit(show_components=True)
def get_two_clicks(self,event): if self._xclick1 is None: self._xclick1 = event.xdata elif self._xclick2 is None: self._xclick2 = event.xdata
[docs] def set_limits_from_visible_window(self, debug=False): """ Hopefully self-descriptive: set the x and y limits from the currently visible window (use this if you use the pan/zoom tools or manually change the limits) """ if debug: print("Changing x limits from {},{} to {},{}".format(self.xmin,self.xmax,self.axis.get_xlim()[0],self.axis.get_xlim()[1])) print("Changing y limits from {},{} to {},{}".format(self.ymin,self.ymax,self.axis.get_ylim()[0],self.axis.get_ylim()[1])) self.xmin, self.xmax = self.axis.get_xlim() self.ymin, self.ymax = self.axis.get_ylim() if debug: print("New x limits {},{} == {},{}".format(self.xmin,self.xmax,self.axis.get_xlim()[0],self.axis.get_xlim()[1])) print("New y limits {},{} == {},{}".format(self.ymin,self.ymax,self.axis.get_ylim()[0],self.axis.get_ylim()[1]))
[docs] def copy(self, parent=None): """ Create a copy of the plotter with blank (uninitialized) axis & figure [ parent ] A spectroscopic axis instance that is the parent of the specfit instance. This needs to be specified at some point, but defaults to None to prevent overwriting a previous plot. """ newplotter = copy.copy(self) newplotter.Spectrum = parent newplotter.axis = None newplotter.figure = None return newplotter
[docs] def line_ids(self, line_names, line_xvals, xval_units=None, auto_yloc=True, velocity_offset=None, velocity_convention='radio', auto_yloc_fraction=0.9, **kwargs): """ Add line ID labels to a plot using lineid_plot Parameters ---------- line_names : list A list of strings to label the specified x-axis values line_xvals : list List of x-axis values (e.g., wavelengths) at which to label the lines. Can be a list of quantities. xval_units : string The unit of the line_xvals if they are not given as quantities velocity_offset : quantity A velocity offset to apply to the inputs if they are in frequency or wavelength units velocity_convention : 'radio' or 'optical' or 'doppler' Used if the velocity offset is given auto_yloc : bool If set, overrides box_loc and arrow_tip (the vertical position of the lineid labels) in kwargs to be `auto_yloc_fraction` of the plot range auto_yloc_fraction: float in range [0,1] The fraction of the plot (vertically) at which to place labels Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyspeckit >>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum( xarr=pyspeckit.units.SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-50,50,101), unit='km/s', refX=6562.8, refX_unit='angstrom'), data=np.random.randn(101), error=np.ones(101)) >>> sp.plotter() >>> sp.plotter.line_ids(['H$\\alpha$'],[6562.8],xval_units='angstrom') """ import lineid_plot if velocity_offset is not None: assert velocity_offset.unit.is_equivalent( doppler = getattr(u, 'doppler_{0}'.format(velocity_convention)) if self.Spectrum.xarr.refX is not None: equivalency = doppler(self.Spectrum.xarr.refX) else: equivalency = doppler(self.Spectrum.xarr.as_unit(u.GHz)[0]) xvals = [] linenames_toplot = [] for xv,ln in zip(line_xvals, line_names): if hasattr(xv, 'unit'): pass else: xv = u.Quantity(xv, xval_units) xv =, equivalencies=equivalency) if velocity_offset is not None: xv = xv + velocity_offset xv =, equivalencies=equivalency) if self.Spectrum.xarr.in_range(xv): xvals.append(xv.value) linenames_toplot.append(ln) if len(xvals) != len(line_xvals): log.warn("Skipped {0} out-of-bounds lines when plotting line IDs." .format(len(line_xvals)-len(xvals))) if auto_yloc: yr = self.axis.get_ylim() kwargs['box_loc'] = (yr[1]-yr[0])*auto_yloc_fraction + yr[0] kwargs['arrow_tip'] = (yr[1]-yr[0])*(auto_yloc_fraction*0.9) + yr[0] lineid_plot.plot_line_ids(self.Spectrum.xarr,, xvals, linenames_toplot, ax=self.axis, **kwargs)
[docs] def line_ids_from_measurements(self, auto_yloc=True, auto_yloc_fraction=0.9, **kwargs): """ Add line ID labels to a plot using lineid_plot Parameters ---------- auto_yloc : bool If set, overrides box_loc and arrow_tip (the vertical position of the lineid labels) in kwargs to be `auto_yloc_fraction` of the plot range auto_yloc_fraction: float in range [0,1] The fraction of the plot (vertically) at which to place labels Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pyspeckit >>> sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum( xarr=pyspeckit.units.SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-50,50,101), units='km/s', refX=6562.8, refX_unit='angstroms'), data=np.random.randn(101), error=np.ones(101)) >>> sp.plotter() >>> sp.specfit(multifit=None, fittype='gaussian', guesses=[1,0,1]) # fitting noise.... >>> sp.measure() >>> sp.plotter.line_ids_from_measurements() """ import lineid_plot if hasattr(self.Spectrum,'measurements'): measurements = self.Spectrum.measurements if auto_yloc: yr = self.axis.get_ylim() kwargs['box_loc'] = (yr[1]-yr[0])*auto_yloc_fraction + yr[0] kwargs['arrow_tip'] = (yr[1]-yr[0])*(auto_yloc_fraction*0.9) + yr[0] lineid_plot.plot_line_ids(self.Spectrum.xarr,, [v['pos'] for v in measurements.lines.values()], measurements.lines.keys(), ax=self.axis, **kwargs) else: warn("Cannot add line IDs from measurements unless measurements have been made!")
[docs] def activate_interactive_fitter(self): """ Attempt to activate the interactive fitter """ if self._active_gui is not None: # This should not be reachable. Clearing connections is the # "right" behavior if this becomes reachable, but I'd rather raise # an exception because I don't want to get here ever self._active_gui.clear_all_connections() raise ValueError("GUI was active when 'f' key pressed") self._activate_interactive(self.Spectrum.specfit, interactive=True)
[docs] def activate_interactive_baseline_fitter(self, **kwargs): """ Attempt to activate the interactive baseline fitter """ if self._active_gui is not None: # This should not be reachable. Clearing connections is the # "right" behavior if this becomes reachable, but I'd rather raise # an exception because I don't want to get here ever gui_was = self._active_gui self._active_gui.clear_all_connections() raise ValueError("GUI {0} was active when 'b' key pressed" .format(gui_was)) self._activate_interactive(self.Spectrum.baseline, interactive=True, **kwargs)
def _activate_interactive(self, object_to_activate, **kwargs): self._disconnect_matplotlib_keys() self._active_gui = object_to_activate # activating the gui calls clear_all_connections, which disconnects the # gui try: self._active_gui(**kwargs) self._active_gui = object_to_activate assert self._active_gui is not None except Exception as ex: self._active_gui = None raise ex
def parse_units(labelstring): import re labelstring = re.sub("um","$\mu$m",labelstring) labelstring = re.sub("-1","$^{-1}$",labelstring) labelstring = re.sub("-2","$^{-2}$",labelstring) labelstring = re.sub("-3","$^{-3}$",labelstring) labelstring = re.sub("ergss","ergs s",labelstring) return labelstring
[docs]def parse_norm(norm): """ Expected format: norm = 10E15 """ try: base, exp = norm.split('E') except ValueError: base, exp = norm.split('e') if float(base) == 1.0: norm = '10' else: norm = base norm += '^{%s}' % exp return norm
[docs]def steppify(arr,isX=False): """ *support function* Converts an array to double-length for step plotting """ if isX: interval = abs(arr[1:]-arr[:-1]) / 2.0 newarr = np.array(list(zip(arr[:-1]-interval,arr[:-1]+interval))).ravel() newarr = np.concatenate([newarr,2*[newarr[-1]+interval[-1]]]) else: newarr = np.array(list(zip(arr,arr))).ravel() return newarr