Source code for pyspeckit.spectrum.units

Units and SpectroscopicAxes

Unit parsing and conversion tool.
The SpectroscopicAxis class is meant to deal with unit conversion internally

Open Questions: Are there other FITS-valid projection types, unit types, etc.
that should be included?
What about for other fields (e.g., wavenumber?)

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import warnings
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import log

# declare a case-insensitive dict class to return case-insensitive versions of each dictionary...
# this is just a shortcut so that units can be specified as, e.g., Hz, hz, HZ, hZ, etc.  3 of those 4 are "legitimate".
# the templates for this code were grabbed from a few threads
# I changed this to a "SmartCase" dict, by analogy with VIM's smartcase, where anything with caps will
# be case sensitive, BUT if there is no unit matching the exact case, will search for the lower version too
# e.g., if you search for Mm, it will return Megameter.  If you search for mm or mM, it will get millimeter
class SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, inputdict=None):
        if inputdict:
            # Doesn't do keyword args
            if isinstance(inputdict, dict):
                self.CaseDict = inputdict
                for k,v in inputdict.items():
                    self[k] = v
                for k,v in inputdict:
                    self[k] = v

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return dict.__getitem__(self,key)
        except KeyError:
            return dict.__getitem__(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""))

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # only set lower-case version if there isn't one there already
        # prevents overwriting mm with Mm.lower()
        if hasattr(key,'lower'):
            if key.lower().replace(" ","") not in self:
                self.__setitem__(key.lower().replace(" ",""), value)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        cased = dict.__contains__(self,key)
        if hasattr(key,'lower') and cased is False:
            return dict.__contains__(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""))
            return cased

    def has_key(self, key):
        """ This is deprecated, but we're keeping it around """
        cased = dict.has_key__(self,key)
        if hasattr(key,'lower') and cased is False:
            return dict.has_key__(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""))
            return cased

    def get(self, key, def_val=None):
        cased = dict.get(self,key)
        if hasattr(key,'lower') and cased is None:
            return dict.get(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""),def_val)
            return cased

    def setdefault(self, key, def_val=None):
        If key is in the dictionary, return its value. If not, insert key with
        a value of default and return default. default defaults to None.
        cased = dict.setdefault(self,key)
        if hasattr(key,'lower') and cased is None:
            return dict.setdefault(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""),def_val)
            return cased

    def update(self, inputdict):
        for k,v in inputdict.items():
            # let self.__setitem__ hand the low/upperness
            self.__setitem__(self, k, v)

    def fromkeys(self, iterable, value=None):
        d = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict()
        for k in iterable:
            self.__setitem__(d, k, value)
        return d

    def pop(self, key, def_val=None):
        cased = dict.pop(self,key)
        if hasattr(key,'lower') and cased is None:
            return dict.pop(self, key.lower().replace(" ",""),def_val)
            return cased

length_dict = {'meter':1.0,'m':1.0,
length_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(length_dict)

wavelength_dict = length_dict # synonym

frequency_dict = {'Hz':1.0,
frequency_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(frequency_dict)

velocity_dict = {'meter/second':1.0,'m/s':1.0,'m s-1':1.0,'ms-1':1.0,
                 'kilometer/second':1e3,'kilometer/s':1e3,'km/s':1e3,'kms':1e3,'km s-1':1e3,'kms-1':1e3,
velocity_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(velocity_dict)
velocity_conventions = {'optical': u.doppler_optical, 'radio': u.doppler_radio, 'relativistic': u.doppler_relativistic}

pixel_dict = {'pixel':1,'pixels':1}
pixel_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(pixel_dict)

conversion_dict = {'VELOCITY':velocity_dict,
                   'velo': velocity_dict,
                   'VELO': velocity_dict,
                   'freq': frequency_dict,
                   'FREQ': frequency_dict,
conversion_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict(conversion_dict)

# to-do
# unit_prettyprint = dict([(a,a.replace('angstroms','\\AA')) for a in unit_type_dict.keys() if a is not None])

xtype_dict = {
        # cm^-1 ? 'wavenumber':'wavenumber',

frame_dict = SmartCaseNoSpaceDict({

frame_type_dict = {'LSRK':'velocity','LSRD':'velocity','LSR':'velocity',

fits_frame = {'rest':'REST','LSRK':'-LSR','heliocentric':'-HEL','geocentric':'-GEO'}
fits_specsys = {'rest':'REST','LSRK':'LSRK','LSRD':'LSRD','heliocentric':'HEL','geocentric':'GEO'}
fits_type = {'velocity':'VELO','frequency':'FREQ','wavelength':'WAVE','length':'WAVE','redshift':'REDS',
        u.Hz.physical_type:'FREQ', ('VELO', u.m.physical_type:'WAVE'}
convention_suffix = {'radio':'RAD','optical':'OPT','relativistic':'REL','redshift':'RED'}

speedoflight_ms  = np.float64(2.99792458e8) # m/s
speedoflight_kms = np.float64(2.99792458e5) # km/s
c = speedoflight_cms = np.float64(2.99792458e10) # cm/s

astronomical_unit_cm = np.float64(1.49597870e13)

hplanck = h = 6.626068e-27    # Planck's Constant (erg s)
k = kb = kB = 1.3806503e-16   # Boltzmann's Constant (erg / K)
electronmass = me = 9.10938188e-28 # g
electroncharge = 4.80320427e-10 # esu

unitdict = {
        'cgs':{ 'h':6.626068e-27,
            'mh':1.67262158e-24 * 1.00794, # proton mass
            'me':9.10938188e-28,           # electron mass
            'e':4.80320427e-10, # electron charge, esu
        'mks':{ 'h':6.626068e-34,
            'mh':1.67262158e-27 * 1.00794,

def generate_xarr(input_array, unit=None):
    Create an 'xarr' from an array; can be a quantity

    unit is ignored unless the input is a simple ndarray
    if isinstance(input_array, SpectroscopicAxis):
        return input_array
    elif hasattr(input_array, 'value') and hasattr(input_array, 'unit'):
        if hasattr(input_array, 'refX'):
            return SpectroscopicAxis(input_array.value,
            return SpectroscopicAxis(input_array.value,
    elif isinstance(input_array, np.ndarray):
        return SpectroscopicAxis(input_array, unit=unit)
        raise TypeError("Unrecognized input type. Input array of type: {0}"
                        "is not a Quantity, SpectroscopicAxis or numpy.ndarray"

[docs]class SpectroscopicAxis(u.Quantity): """ A Spectroscopic Axis object to store the current units of the spectrum and allow conversion to other units and frames. Typically, units are velocity, wavelength, frequency, or redshift. Wavenumber is also hypothetically possible. WARNING: If you index a SpectroscopicAxis, the resulting array will be a SpectroscopicAxis without a dxarr attribute! This can result in major problems; a workaround is being sought but subclassing numpy arrays is harder than I thought """ def __new__(self, xarr, unit=None, refX=None, redshift=None, refX_unit=None, velocity_convention=None, use128bits=False, bad_unit_response='raise', equivalencies=u.spectral(), center_frequency=None, center_frequency_unit=None): """ Make a new spectroscopic axis instance Default units Hz Parameter ---------- xarr : np.ndarray An array of X-axis values in whatever unit specified unit : str Any valid spectroscopic X-axis unit (km/s, Hz, angstroms, etc.). Spaces will be removed. refX : float Reference frequency/wavelength refX_unit : str | astropy.units.Unit Units of the reference frequency/wavelength center_frequency: float The reference frequency for determining a velocity. Required for conversions between frequency/wavelength/energy and velocity. (redundant with refX) center_frequency_unit: string If converting between velocity and any other spectroscopic type, need to specify the central frequency around which that velocity is calculated. (redundant with refX_unit) equivalencies : list astropy equivalencies list containing tuples of the form: (from_unit, to_unit, forward, backward) forward and backward are functions that convert values between those units bad_unit_response : 'raise' | 'pixel' What should pyspeckit do if the units are not recognized? Default is to raise an exception. Can make pixel units instead """ if use128bits: dtype='float128' else: dtype='float64' # Only need to convert xarr to array if it's not already one (e.g., if # it's a list) if not isinstance(xarr, np.ndarray): subarr = np.array(xarr, dtype=dtype) log.debug("Created subarr from a non-ndarray {0}".format(type(xarr))) else: if not xarr.flags['OWNDATA']: # nothing owns its data. We nearly always have to copy this. =( #log.warning("The X array does not 'own' its data." # " It will therefore be copied.") #warnings.warn("The X array does not 'own' its data." # " It will therefore be copied.") subarr = xarr.copy() else: log.debug("xarr owns its own data. Continuing as normal.") subarr = xarr subarr = subarr.view(self) # Only need to set xarr's unit if it's not a quantity # or if it is unitless if not isinstance(xarr, u.Quantity) or xarr.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled: subarr._unit = self.validate_unit(unit, bad_unit_response) subarr.refX = refX if refX_unit is None: if hasattr(refX, 'unit'): refX_unit = refX.unit elif subarr._unit in frequency_dict: refX_unit = subarr.unit else: refX_unit = 'Hz' subarr.refX_unit = refX_unit subarr.redshift = redshift subarr.wcshead = {} subarr.velocity_convention = velocity_convention if center_frequency is None: if refX is not None: center_frequency = refX if center_frequency_unit is None: if refX_unit is not None: center_frequency_unit = refX_unit else: center_frequency_unit = unit if center_frequency is not None: subarr.center_frequency = u.Quantity(center_frequency, center_frequency_unit) else: subarr.center_frequency = None temp1, temp2 = self.find_equivalencies(subarr.velocity_convention, subarr.center_frequency, equivalencies) subarr.center_frequency, subarr._equivalencies = temp1,temp2 return subarr def __getitem__(self, key): """ We do *NOT* want to return a SpectroscopicAxis when indexed singly! """ if self.isscalar: raise TypeError( "'{cls}' object with a scalar value does not support " "indexing".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) out = super(u.Quantity, self).__getitem__(key) if np.isscalar(out): return u.Quantity(out, unit=self.unit) else: return self._new_view(out) def __repr__(self): if self.shape is (): rep = ("SpectroscopicAxis([%r], unit=%r, refX=%r," " refX_unit=%r, frame=%r, redshift=%r, xtype=%r," " velocity convention=%r)" % (self.value, self.unit, self.refX, self.refX_unit, self.frame, self.redshift, self.xtype, self.velocity_convention)) else: rep = ("SpectroscopicAxis([%r,...,%r], unit=%r," " refX=%r, refX_unit=%r, frame=%r, redshift=%r," " xtype=%r, velocity convention=%r)" % (self[0].value, self[-1].value, self.unit, self.refX, self.refX_unit, self.frame, self.redshift, self.xtype, self.velocity_convention)) return rep def __str__(self): selfstr = ("SpectroscopicAxis with units %s and range %g:%g." % ( self.unit, self.umin().value, self.umax().value)) if self.refX is not None: if not hasattr(self.refX, 'unit'): selfstr += "Reference is %g %s" % (self.refX, self.refX_unit) else: selfstr += "Reference is %s" % (self.refX) return selfstr @property def units(self): log.warning("'units' is deprecated; please use 'unit'", DeprecationWarning) return self._unit @units.setter def units(self, value): log.warning("'units' is deprecated; please use 'unit'", DeprecationWarning) self.set_unit(value) @property def refX_units(self): log.warning("'refX_units' is deprecated; please use 'refX_unit'", DeprecationWarning) return self.refX_unit @refX_units.setter def refX_units(self, value): log.warning("'refX_units' is deprecated; please use 'refX_unit'", DeprecationWarning) self.refX_unit = value @property def refX_unit(self): if hasattr(self.refX, 'unit'): return self.refX.unit @refX_unit.setter def refX_unit(self, value): if value is None or self.refX is None: return if hasattr(self.refX, 'unit'): self.refX = u.Quantity(self.refX.value, value) else: self.refX = u.Quantity(self.refX, value) @property def refX(self): if hasattr(self,'_refX'): return self._refX @refX.setter def refX(self, value): if value is None: return if hasattr(value, 'unit'): self._refX = value else: self._refX = u.Quantity(value, unit=self.refX_unit) if self._refX.unit not in (None, u.dimensionless_unscaled): vc = (self.velocity_convention if hasattr(self, 'velocity_convention') else None) temp1, temp2 = self.find_equivalencies(velocity_convention=vc, center_frequency=self.refX, equivalencies=u.spectral()) self.center_frequency, self._equivalencies = temp1,temp2 def __getattr__(self, name): # can't use getattr because it triggers infinite recursion object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __array_finalize__(self,obj): """ Array finalize allows you to take subsets of the array but keep units around, e.g.: xarr = self[1:20] """ self._unit = getattr(obj, 'unit', u.dimensionless_unscaled) self.frame = getattr(obj, 'frame', None) self.xtype = getattr(obj, 'xtype', None) self.refX = getattr(obj, 'refX', None) self.refX_unit = getattr(obj, 'refX_unit', None) self.velocity_convention = getattr(obj, 'velocity_convention', None) self.redshift = getattr(obj, 'redshift', None) self.wcshead = getattr(obj, 'wcshead', None) self.center_frequency = getattr(obj, 'center_frequency', None) self.center_frequency_unit = getattr(obj, 'center_frequency_unit', None) self._equivalencies = getattr(obj, 'equivalencies', []) # instead of making dxarr on init, make it on first use (see property dxarr) # moved from __init__ - needs to be done whenever viewed # (this is slow, though - may be better not to do this) #if self.shape and self.dtype != np.dtype('bool'): # check to make sure non-scalar # # can't use make_dxarr here! infinite recursion =( # self.dxarr = np.diff(np.array(self)) def __array_wrap__(self,out_arr,context=None): """ Do this when calling ufuncs (probably overridden by astropy.units.Quantity._wrap_function) """ # DEBUG print("ARRAY WRAP: pyspeckit. context={0}".format(context)) ret = super(SpectroscopicAxis, self).__array_wrap__(out_arr, context=context) #ret = np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context) # return scalar values for those that should be scalar if hasattr(ret, 'ndim') and ret.ndim == 0: log.debug("ret.ndim == 0") return u.Quantity(ret) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def validate_unit(self, unit, bad_unit_response='raise'): if isinstance(unit, u.UnitBase): return unit try: if unit is None: unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled elif unit == 'unknown': unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled elif unit in ('angstroms','Angstroms'): unit = 'angstrom' unit = u.Unit(unit) except ValueError: if bad_unit_response == "pixel": unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled elif bad_unit_response == "raise": raise ValueError('Unit %s not recognized.' % unit) else: raise ValueError('Unit %s not recognized. Invalid ' 'bad_unit_response, valid options: [%s/%s]' % (unit, "raise", "pixel")) return unit
[docs] def set_unit(self, unit, bad_unit_response='raise'): self._unit = self.validate_unit(unit, bad_unit_response)
[docs] def umax(self, unit=None): """ Return the maximum value of the SpectroscopicAxis. If units specified, convert to those units first """ if unit is not None: # could be reversed return np.max([self.coord_to_x(self.max(), unit), self.coord_to_x(self.min(),unit)]) else: return self.max()
[docs] def umin(self, unit=None): """ Return the minimum value of the SpectroscopicAxis. If units specified, convert to those units first """ if unit is not None: # could be reversed return np.min([self.coord_to_x(self.max(), unit), self.coord_to_x(self.min(),unit)]) else: return self.min()
[docs] def x_to_pix(self, xval, xval_unit=None, xval_units=None, equivalencies=None): """ Given an X coordinate in SpectroscopicAxis' units, return the corresponding pixel number """ if xval_units is not None and xval_unit is None: # todo: deprecate xval_unit = xval_units if xval_unit in pixel_dict: return xval else: if not hasattr(xval, 'unit'): xval = u.Quantity(xval, xval_unit or self.unit) if equivalencies is None: equivalencies = self.equivalencies nearest_pix = np.argmin(np.abs(, equivalencies))) return nearest_pix
[docs] def in_range(self, xval): """ Given an X coordinate in SpectroscopicAxis' units, return whether the pixel is in range """ if hasattr(xval, 'unit'): return bool((xval > self.as_unit(xval.unit).min()) and (xval < self.as_unit(xval.unit).max())) else: warnings.warn("The xvalue being compared in " "SpectroscopicAxis.in_range has no unit. " "Assuming the unit is the same as the current " "axis unit.") # note that the .value's are outside: if you compare a Quantity, it # will return an array of booleans, which always evaluates to True # even if that 0-dimensional array (scalar) is False return bool((xval > self.min().value) and (xval < self.max().value))
[docs] def x_to_coord(self, xval, xunit, verbose=False): """ Given a wavelength/frequency/velocity, return the value in the SpectroscopicAxis's units e.g.: xarr.unit = 'km/s' xarr.refX = 5.0 xarr.refX_unit = GHz xarr.x_to_coord(5.1,'GHz') == 6000 # km/s """ if not hasattr(xval, 'unit'): xval = xval * u.Unit(xunit) return, self.equivalencies)
[docs] def coord_to_x(self, xval, xunit): """ Given an X-value assumed to be in the coordinate axes, return that value converted to xunit e.g.: xarr.unit = 'km/s' xarr.refX = 5.0 xarr.refX_unit = GHz xarr.coord_to_x(6000,'GHz') == 5.1 # GHz """ return self.as_unit(xunit)
[docs] def convert_to_unit(self, unit, make_dxarr=True, **kwargs): """ Return the X-array in the specified units without changing it Uses as_unit for the conversion, but changes internal values rather than returning them. """ unit = self.validate_unit(unit) self.flags.writeable=True # Hack: # You can only set self[:] to a quantity # The quantity will automatically be converted to present units # Therefore, get the new array to set the *values* correctly, # then input the values and let the unit conversion take care of the # numerical changes, THEN set the unit. new_values = self.as_unit(unit, **kwargs) self[:] = new_values.value * self.unit self.set_unit(unit) self.flags.writeable=False if make_dxarr: self.make_dxarr() elif hasattr(self, '_dxarr'): # remove the old, wrong one del self._dxarr
[docs] def as_unit(self, unit, equivalencies=[], velocity_convention=None, refX=None, refX_unit=None, center_frequency=None, center_frequency_unit=None, **kwargs): """ Convert the spectrum to the specified units. This is a wrapper function to convert between frequency/velocity/wavelength and simply change the units of the X axis. Frame conversion is... not necessarily implemented. Parameter ---------- unit : string What unit do you want to 'view' the array as? None returns the x-axis unchanged (NOT a copy!) frame : string NOT IMPLEMENTED. When it is, it will allow you to convert between LSR, topocentric, heliocentric, rest, redshifted, and whatever other frames we can come up with. Right now the main holdup is finding a nice python interface to an LSR velocity calculator... and motivation. refX or center_frequency: float The reference frequency for determining a velocity. Required for conversions between frequency/wavelength/energy and velocity. refX_unit or center_frequency_unit: string If converting between velocity and any other spectroscopic type, need to specify the central frequency around which that velocity is calculated. I think this can also accept wavelengths.... """ if velocity_convention is None: velocity_convention = self.velocity_convention if equivalencies == []: equivalencies = kwargs.get('equivalencies', self.equivalencies) if refX is None: if center_frequency is None: refX = self.refX else: refX = center_frequency if refX_unit is None and not hasattr(refX, 'unit'): if center_frequency_unit is None: refX_unit = center_frequency_unit else: refX_unit = self.refX_unit if refX is not None: center_frequency = u.Quantity(refX, unit=refX_unit) self.refX = center_frequency else: center_frequency = None self.center_frequency, self._equivalencies = \ self.find_equivalencies(velocity_convention, center_frequency, equivalencies) if isinstance(self.unit, str): self._unit = u.Unit(self.unit) return, equivalencies=self.equivalencies)
@property def dxarr(self): if hasattr(self, '_dxarr'): return self._dxarr else: self.make_dxarr() return self._dxarr
[docs] def make_dxarr(self, coordinate_location='center'): """ Create a "delta-x" array corresponding to the X array. It will have the same length as the input array, which is achieved by concatenating an extra pixel somewhere. Parameter ---------- coordinate_location : [ 'left', 'center', 'right' ] Does the coordinate mark the left, center, or right edge of the pixel? If 'center' or 'left', the *last* pixel will have the same dx as the second to last pixel. If right, the *first* pixel will have the same dx as the second pixel. """ dxarr = np.diff(self) if self.size <= 2: self._dxarr = np.ones(self.size)*dxarr elif coordinate_location in ['left','center']: self._dxarr = np.concatenate([dxarr,dxarr[-1:]]) elif coordinate_location in ['right']: self._dxarr = np.concatenate([dxarr[:1],dxarr]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid coordinate location.") self._dxarr._unit = self.unit
[docs] def cdelt(self, tolerance=1e-8, approx=False): """ Return the channel spacing if channels are linear Parameter ---------- tolerance : float Tolerance in the difference between pixels that determines how near to linear the xarr must be approx : bool Return the mean DX even if it is inaccurate """ if not hasattr(self,'_dxarr'): # if cropping happens... self.make_dxarr() if len(self) <= 1: raise ValueError("Cannot have cdelt of length-%i array" % len(self)) if approx or abs(self.dxarr.max()-self.dxarr.min())/abs(self.dxarr.min()) < tolerance: return self.dxarr.mean().flat[0] else: raise ValueError("Spectral axis is not linear to within {0}. " "cdelt is not well-defined.".format(tolerance))
def _make_header(self, tolerance=1e-8): """ Generate a set of WCS parameter for the X-array """ self.make_dxarr() if self.wcshead is None: self.wcshead = {} self.wcshead['CUNIT1'] = self.unit if fits_type[self.unit.physical_type] == 'VELO' and self.velocity_convention is not None: ctype = 'V'+convention_suffix[self.velocity_convention] else: ctype = fits_type[self.unit.physical_type] #self.wcshead['CTYPE1'] = ctype+fits_frame[self.frame] try: from spectral_cube import spectral_axis self.wcshead['CTYPE1'] = spectral_axis.determine_ctype_from_vconv(ctype, self.unit, self.velocity_convention) except ImportError: self.wcshead['CTYPE1'] = ctype # not needed ? self.wcshead['SPECSYS'] = fits_specsys[self.frame] self.wcshead['RESTFRQ'] = self.refX # check to make sure the X-axis is linear cdelt = self.cdelt(tolerance=tolerance) if cdelt is None: self.wcshead['CDELT1'] = None self.wcshead['CRPIX1'] = None self.wcshead['CRVAL1'] = None return False else: self.wcshead['CDELT1'] = cdelt self.wcshead['CRVAL1'] = self[0] self.wcshead['CRPIX1'] = 1.0 return True
[docs] @classmethod def find_equivalencies(self, velocity_convention=None, center_frequency=None, equivalencies=[]): """ Utility function to add equivalencies from the velocity_convention and the center_frequency Parameter ---------- velocity_convention : str 'optical', 'radio' or 'relativistic' center_frequency : float | astropy.units.Quantity The reference frequency for determining a velocity. Required for conversions between frequency/wavelength/energy and velocity. equivalencies : list astropy equivalencies list containing tuples of the form: (from_unit, to_unit, forward, backward) forward and backward are functions that convert values between those units """ if velocity_convention is not None and center_frequency is not None: new_equivalencies = velocity_conventions[velocity_convention](center_frequency) return center_frequency, merge_equivalencies(new_equivalencies, equivalencies) else: return center_frequency, merge_equivalencies(equivalencies, u.spectral())
# OVERRRIDE ASTROPY'S VERSION FOR min, max, etc. def _new_view(self, obj, unit=None): """ Create a Quantity view of obj, and set the unit By default, return a view of ``obj`` of the same class as ``self`` and with the unit passed on, or that of ``self``. Subclasses can override the type of class used with ``__quantity_subclass__``, and can ensure other properties of ``self`` are copied using `__array_finalize__`. Parameters ---------- obj : ndarray or scalar The array to create a view of. If obj is a numpy or python scalar, it will be converted to an array scalar. unit : `UnitBase`, or anything convertible to a :class:`~astropy.units.Unit`, or `None` The unit of the resulting object. It is used to select a subclass, and explicitly assigned to the view if not `None`. If `None` (default), the unit is set by `__array_finalize__` to self._unit. Returns ------- view : Quantity subclass """ # python and numpy scalars cannot be viewed as arrays and thus not as # Quantity either; turn them into zero-dimensional arrays # (These are turned back into scalar in `.value`) if not isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): obj = np.array(obj) # 0D should return quantity, not SpectralAxis if obj.ndim == 0: subclass = u.Quantity elif unit is None: subclass = self.__class__ else: unit = u.Unit(unit) subclass, subok = self.__quantity_subclass__(unit) if subok: subclass = self.__class__ view = obj.view(subclass) view.__array_finalize__(self) if unit is not None: view._unit = unit # any slice needs to regenerate its dxarr if hasattr(view, '_dxarr'): del view._dxarr #DEBUG print("unit is {1}, self.unit is {2}, class is {0}, viewtype={3}".format(subclass, unit, self.unit, type(view))) return view
def merge_equivalencies(old_equivalencies, new_equivalencies): """ Utility method to merge two equivalency lists Uses a dict with concatenated units as keys """ seen = {} result = [] total_equivalencies = old_equivalencies+new_equivalencies for equivalency in total_equivalencies: equivalency_id = equivalency[0].to_string()+equivalency[1].to_string() if equivalency_id in seen: continue seen[equivalency_id] = 1 result.append(equivalency) return result
[docs]class SpectroscopicAxes(SpectroscopicAxis): """ Counterpart to Spectra: takes a list of SpectroscopicAxis's and concatenates them while checking for consistency and maintaining header parameter """ def __new__(self, axislist, frame='rest', xtype=None, refX=None, redshift=None): if type(axislist) is not list: raise TypeError("SpectroscopicAxes must be initiated with a list of SpectroscopicAxis objects") unit = axislist[0].unit xtype = axislist[0].xtype redshift = axislist[0].redshift velocity_convention = axislist[0].velocity_convention for ax in axislist: if ax.xtype != xtype: try: ax.change_xtype(xtype) except: ValueError("Axis had wrong xtype and could not be converted.") if ax.unit != unit: try: ax.convert_to_unit(unit) except: ValueError("Axis had wrong units and could not be converted.") subarr = np.concatenate([ax for ax in axislist]) subarr = subarr.view(self) subarr._unit = unit subarr.xtype = xtype subarr.redshift = redshift subarr.velocity_convention = velocity_convention # if all the spectra have the same reference frequency, there is one common refX # else, refX is undefined and velocity transformations should not be done refXs_diff = np.sum([axislist[0].refX != ax.refX for ax in axislist]) if refXs_diff > 0: subarr.refX = None subarr.refX_unit = None else: subarr.refX = axislist[0].refX subarr.refX_unit = axislist[0].refX_unit wflag = subarr.flags.writeable try: subarr.flags.writeable = True subarr.flags.writeable = wflag except ValueError as ex: raise ex return subarr
class EchelleAxes(SpectroscopicAxis): """ Counterpart to Spectra: takes a list of SpectroscopicAxis's and stacks them while checking for consistency and maintaining header parameter """ def __new__(self, axislist, frame='rest', xtype=None, refX=None, redshift=None): if type(axislist) is not list: raise TypeError("SpectroscopicAxes must be initiated with a list of SpectroscopicAxis objects") unit = axislist[0].unit xtype = axislist[0].xtype redshift = axislist[0].redshift velocity_convention = axislist[0].velocity_convention for ax in axislist: if ax.xtype != xtype: try: ax.change_xtype(xtype) except: ValueError("Axis had wrong xtype and could not be converted.") if ax.unit != unit: try: ax.convert_to_unit(unit) except: ValueError("Axis had wrong units and could not be converted.") subarr = np.array(axislist) subarr = subarr.view(self) subarr._unit = unit subarr.xtype = xtype subarr.redshift = redshift subarr.velocity_convention = velocity_convention # if all the spectra have the same reference frequency, there is one common refX # else, refX is undefined and velocity transformations should not be done refXs_diff = np.sum([axislist[0].refX != ax.refX for ax in axislist]) if refXs_diff > 0: subarr.refX = None subarr.refX_unit = None else: subarr.refX = axislist[0].refX subarr.refX_unit = axislist[0].refX_unit return subarr def velocity_to_frequency(velocities, input_unit, center_frequency=None, center_frequency_units=None, frequency_units='Hz', convention='radio'): """ Parameter ---------- velocities : np.ndarray An array of velocity values input_unit : str A string representing the units of the velocities array center_frequency : float The reference frequency (i.e., the 0-m/s freq) center_frequency_units : str A string representing the units of the reference frequency frequency_units : str A string representing the desired output units convention : ['radio','optical','relativistic': Conventions defined here: * Radio V = c (f0 - f)/f0 f(V) = f0 ( 1 - V/c ) * Optical V = c (f0 - f)/f f(V) = f0 ( 1 + V/c )^-1 * Redshift z = (f0 - f)/f f(V) = f0 ( 1 + z )-1 * Relativistic V = c (f02 - f 2)/(f02 + f 2) f(V) = f0 { 1 - (V/c)2}1/2/(1+V/c) """ if input_unit in frequency_dict: #print("Already in frequency units (%s)" % input_unit) return velocities if center_frequency is None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert velocity to frequency without specifying a central frequency.") if frequency_units not in frequency_dict: raise ValueError("Bad frequency units: %s" % (frequency_units)) velocity_ms = velocities / velocity_dict['m/s'] * velocity_dict[input_unit] if convention == 'radio': freq = (velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms - 1.0) * center_frequency * -1 elif convention == 'optical': freq = (velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms + 1.0)**-1 * center_frequency elif convention == 'relativistic': freq = (-(velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms)**2 + 1.0)**0.5 / (1.0 + velocity_ms/speedoflight_ms) * center_frequency else: raise ValueError('Convention "%s" is not allowed.' % (convention)) frequencies = freq / frequency_dict[frequency_units] * frequency_dict[center_frequency_units] return frequencies def frequency_to_velocity(frequencies, input_unit, center_frequency=None, center_frequency_units=None, velocity_units='m/s', convention='radio'): """ Conventions defined here: * Radio V = c (f0 - f)/f0 f(V) = f0 ( 1 - V/c ) * Optical V = c (f0 - f)/f f(V) = f0 ( 1 + V/c )-1 * Redshift z = (f0 - f)/f f(V) = f0 ( 1 + z )-1 * Relativistic V = c (f02 - f 2)/(f02 + f 2) f(V) = f0 { 1 - (V/c)2}1/2/(1+V/c) """ if input_unit in velocity_dict: print("Already in velocity units (%s)" % input_unit) return frequencies if center_frequency is None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert frequency to velocity without specifying a central frequency.") if center_frequency_units not in frequency_dict: raise ValueError("Bad frequency units: %s" % (center_frequency_units)) if velocity_units not in velocity_dict: raise ValueError("Bad velocity units: %s" % (velocity_units)) frequency_hz = frequencies / frequency_dict['Hz'] * frequency_dict[input_unit] center_frequency_hz = center_frequency / frequency_dict['Hz'] * frequency_dict[center_frequency_units] # the order is very ugly because otherwise, if scalar, the spectroscopic axis attributes won't be inherited if convention == 'radio': velocity = ( frequency_hz - center_frequency_hz ) / center_frequency_hz * speedoflight_ms * -1 elif convention == 'optical': velocity = ( frequency_hz - center_frequency_hz ) / frequency_hz * speedoflight_ms * -1 elif convention == 'relativistic': velocity = ( frequency_hz**2 - center_frequency_hz**2 ) / ( center_frequency_hz**2 + frequency_hz )**2 * speedoflight_ms * -1 else: raise ValueError('Convention "%s" is not allowed.' % (convention)) velocities = velocity * velocity_dict['m/s'] / velocity_dict[velocity_units] return velocities def frequency_to_wavelength(frequencies, input_unit, wavelength_units='um'): """ Simple conversion from frequency to wavelength: lambda = c / nu """ if input_unit in wavelength_dict: print("Already in wavelength units (%s)" % input_unit) return if wavelength_units not in length_dict: raise ValueError("Wavelength units %s not valid" % wavelength_units) if input_unit not in frequency_dict: raise AttributeError("Cannot convert from frequency unless units are already frequency.") wavelengths = speedoflight_ms / ( frequencies * frequency_dict[input_unit] ) / length_dict[wavelength_units] return wavelengths def wavelength_to_frequency(wavelengths, input_unit, frequency_units='GHz'): """ Simple conversion from frequency to wavelength: nu = c / lambda """ if input_unit in frequency_dict: #print "Already in frequency units (%s)" % input_unit return wavelengths if frequency_units not in frequency_dict: raise ValueError("Frequency units %s not valid" % frequency_units) if input_unit not in length_dict: raise AttributeError("Cannot convert from wavelength unless units are already wavelength.") frequencies = speedoflight_ms / ( wavelengths * length_dict[input_unit] ) / frequency_dict[frequency_units] return frequencies def velocity_to_wavelength(velocities, input_unit, center_wavelength=None, center_wavelength_units=None, wavelength_units='meter', convention='optical'): """ Conventions defined here: * Radio V = c (c/l0 - c/l)/(c/l0) f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 - V/c ) * Optical V = c ((c/l0) - (c/l))/(c/l) f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 + V/c )^-1 * Redshift z = ((c/l0) - (c/l))/(c/l) f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 + z )-1 * Relativistic V = c ((c/l0)^2 - (c/l)^2)/((c/l0)^2 + (c/l)^2) f(V) = (c/l0) { 1 - (V/c)2}1/2/(1+V/c) """ if input_unit in wavelength_dict: print("Already in wavelength units (%s)" % input_unit) return velocities if center_wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert velocity to wavelength without specifying a central wavelength.") if wavelength_units not in wavelength_dict: raise ValueError("Bad wavelength units: %s" % (wavelength_units)) velocity_ms = velocities / velocity_dict['m/s'] * velocity_dict[input_unit] center_frequency = speedoflight_ms / center_wavelength if convention == 'radio': wav = (velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms - 1.0) * center_frequency * -1 elif convention == 'optical': wav = (velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms + 1.0)**-1 * center_frequency elif convention == 'relativistic': wav = (-(velocity_ms / speedoflight_ms)**2 + 1.0)**0.5 / (1.0 + velocity_ms/speedoflight_ms) * center_frequency else: raise ValueError('Convention "%s" is not allowed.' % (convention)) wavelengths = wav / wavelength_dict[wavelength_units] * wavelength_dict[center_wavelength_units] return wavelengths def wavelength_to_velocity(wavelengths, input_unit, center_wavelength=None, center_wavelength_units=None, velocity_units='m/s', convention='optical'): """ Conventions defined here: * Radio V = c (c/l0 - c/l)/(c/l0) f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 - V/c ) * Optical V = c ((c/l0) - f)/f f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 + V/c )^-1 * Redshift z = ((c/l0) - f)/f f(V) = (c/l0) ( 1 + z )-1 * Relativistic V = c ((c/l0)^2 - f^2)/((c/l0)^2 + f^2) f(V) = (c/l0) { 1 - (V/c)2}1/2/(1+V/c) """ if input_unit in velocity_dict: print("Already in velocity units (%s)" % input_unit) return wavelengths if center_wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert wavelength to velocity without specifying a central wavelength.") if center_wavelength_units not in wavelength_dict: raise ValueError("Bad wavelength units: %s" % (center_wavelength_units)) if velocity_units not in velocity_dict: raise ValueError("Bad velocity units: %s" % (velocity_units)) wavelength_m = wavelengths / wavelength_dict['meter'] * wavelength_dict[input_unit] center_wavelength_m = center_wavelength / wavelength_dict['meter'] * wavelength_dict[center_wavelength_units] frequency_hz = speedoflight_ms / wavelength_m center_frequency_hz = speedoflight_ms / center_wavelength_m # the order is very ugly because otherwise, if scalar, the spectroscopic axis attributes won't be inherited if convention == 'radio': velocity = ( frequency_hz - center_frequency_hz ) / center_frequency_hz * speedoflight_ms * -1 elif convention == 'optical': velocity = ( frequency_hz - center_frequency_hz ) / frequency_hz * speedoflight_ms * -1 elif convention == 'relativistic': velocity = ( frequency_hz**2 - center_frequency_hz**2 ) / ( center_frequency_hz**2 + frequency_hz )**2 * speedoflight_ms * -1 else: raise ValueError('Convention "%s" is not allowed.' % (convention)) velocities = velocity * velocity_dict['m/s'] / velocity_dict[velocity_units] return velocities class InconsistentTypeError(Exception): pass def parse_veldef(veldef): """ Try to parse an 8-character FITS veldef """ vconv_dict = {'OPTI':'optical','RADI':'radio','RELA':'relativistic'} vconv = veldef[:4] velocity_convention = vconv_dict[vconv] frame = veldef[4:] frame_type = frame_dict[frame] return velocity_convention,frame_type