Radio Fitting: NH3 exampleΒΆ

import pyspeckit

# The ammonia fitting wrapper requires a dictionary specifying the transition name
# (one of the four specified below) and the filename.  Alternately, you can have the
# dictionary values be pre-loaded Spectrum instances
filenames = {'oneone':'G032.751-00.071_nh3_11_Tastar.fits',

# Fit the ammonia spectrum with some reasonable initial guesses.  It is
# important to crop out extraneous junk and to smooth the data to make the
# fit proceed at a reasonable pace.
spdict1,spectra1 = pyspeckit.wrappers.fitnh3.fitnh3tkin(filenames,crop=[0,80],tkin=18.65,tex=4.49,column=15.5,fortho=0.9,verbose=False,smooth=6)
The 2-2 transition is used to guess the central velocity and width via gaussian fitting because its hyperfine lines are weaker

The 2-2 transition is used to guess the central velocity and width via gaussian fitting because its hyperfine lines are weaker

Then all 4 lines are simultaneously fit.  Even upper limits on the 4-4 line can provide helpful contraints on the model

Then all 4 lines are simultaneously fit. Even upper limits on the 4-4 line can provide helpful contraints on the model